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I paced back and forth nervously in the waiting room.

I'd been asked to come to the hospital to receive an update on Ellie's situation.

Ace and Dallas didn't hesitate to drive me over. We left my old house through the front door, deciding to come back later.

I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to go back in there after what I'd witnessed.

The two of them sat on opposite ends of the room, which was empty aside from ourselves. They both looked uncomfortable and stressed about being in the hospital. I recalled how Dallas told me their mother died in one.

Though I was still horrified by my closet, the worry of Ellie's situation pushed those feeling to one side briefly.


I looked to see Dr. Wiltshire smiling at me.

Pausing my pacing, I walked towards him. Ace and Dallas both sat up, curious.

"Dr. Wiltshire, is everything okay?" I whispered. My eyes were swollen from all my crying.

He offered me a sympathetic smile. "Why don't you follow me?"

Dr. Wiltshire led the three of us down a hall. He asked me about Texas, questioning if I would ever consider coming back to work at the hospital. I hadn't told him about my dropping out of med school.

We came to a stop outside a room with the label 306 on it.

"Dr. Wiltshire, can you please just tell me if she's okay? It's eating me on the inside not knowing why I was called here."

He said nothing simply twisting the doorknob and pushing the door open. He ushered the three of us inside, shutting the door behind us.


Inside there lay Ellie. The room was dimly lit. She looked exactly the same as I'd last seen her. An IV attached to her. Eyes closed, breathing but no other movement. I looked over at Dallas and Ace, they were both just as confused as me. Why had I been called over here?

I looked away from Ellie's body, seeing her just laying there broke another piece of me. I noticed the guilt in both half-brother's eyes. I knew they were both sorry, but apologies weren't going to bring her back.

"Guys? Can we go." I muttered lowly. 

They nodded, Ace reaching for the doorknob.

It was then that Ellie decided to jump out of her bed and tackle me to the floor from behind.

Frankly, I was frightened. "Ellie? Wha- I- You're awake!" My eyes blurred with more tears. I wasn't sure how many more tears were left in my body. 

She laughed. "Yes, I'm back and I'm back for good."

I pulled her in for a hug. She was so much frailer than she was before her coma but her grip around my body was stronger than ever.

"Wait," Ellie pulled away. "What the hell have you done to your hair?"

I'd forgotten that she'd last seen me as a blonde.

Before I could reply, the lights flickered on suddenly, and I saw Dr. Wiltshire enter, smiling at both of us. "Thought it might be nice of her to surprise you."

Ellie's eyes widened before they filled in both fright and fury. 

"What's wrong--"

"--If I have to look at either one of these lunatics, I might go back into a coma." She cut me off, glaring at Ace and Dallas.

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