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The lights turned off as Sebastian left.

My heart raced. I hoped they were okay. I prayed Ellie was safe too, the man hadn't mentioned any girl.

I counted the seconds it took for the door to be pulled open again. 

A flashlight beamed at my face before quickly turning away, leaving me in the dark again. But I could see who came in.

Ace was dragged in first, unconscious, in the arms of two men. 

My heart dropped. I hoped he was okay. I hoped he was alive. I watched as he was carelessly dropped to the floor and chained to the wall, in a less restrictive manner than myself. He didn't seem to be injured thankfully, no sight of blood

But it was the sight of Dallas that made my heart wrench.

He was thrashing around in the grip of two other men holding him in place. His hands had been cuffed and he looked like he was ready to kill.

Sebastian flashed the light right at his face, making him shut his eyes briefly. I was sure he couldn't see me, the light too bright.

His nose was bleeding, the same way it had been those months ago when he'd fought Carter. Bruises peppered the skin of his cheeks. His dark hair was dishevelled and his eyes were bloodshot. His dark eyes raged when he looked at the man who had killed my family.

I was left in the dark, so no one could see me, but flashlights were directed at Ace and Dallas. I knew Sebastian was doing that on purpose to irk me.

"Why are you doing this?" Dallas asked, his voice cracking in anger. "Why, Dad?"

His dad.

His dad had killed my parents. My brothers.

I thought about what Sebastian had done to me. Wondered if he hurt Dallas like that.

He couldn't do that to his own blood...could he?

"With time you'll understand." His father shrugged, speaking like he was talking about the weather.

"Where is she?" Dallas demanded. "What have you done with her? I swear to God, if you touched her, no one on earth will be worse than me for you."

I wanted to scream. To tell him I was right there. But the gag in my mouth and the chain around my neck muffled any attempts.

"It shouldn't concern you." His father scowled, beginning to turn away. "Love, as I've told you, is lethal."


Dallas grabbed his arm, through the chains, forcing him to stop. "Let her go, wherever she is. She doesn't deserve any of this. Take out whatever anger, or whatever it is on me. Just let her go."

His father shrugged out of his grip. "You're walking on thin ice, Dallas. Venom wanted you dead. But I convinced them you and your brother were just being stupid boys, chasing after a girl. Tread carefully."

"Where is she?" Dallas repeated.

"She's alive." His father sighed, sparing a glance at where I was sitting. "For now."

At those last words, Dallas attempted to pull free from his binds.

"Relax." His father laughed at his failed attempts. "You might hurt yourself."

"You don't know the pain she's faced." Dallas spat at him. "You haven't heard her cry herself to sleep." His voice became hoarse, almost like he was trying to hold in tears. "You weren't there all those nights she woke up screaming for her parents, begging for them to be alive. You have no idea how hard she's had to work to stay alive, to keep herself together. The pain of losing her family is enough to excuse her of any crime she wants to commit. But she's not like you. Not like Beau. She's walked through hell. And she still came out like an angel. You..." He stammered for the words. "You have no excuse for your actions. You disgust me."

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