Mors x Kaiba (drunk lemon?)

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Btw this is a universe where Mors is not the bitch he is RN

(This takes place in a party that Roman hosts and everyone's going crazy and some people getting drunk. And I think you know what two particular people are gonna do tonight~)

(btw imagine the music being the main music for the party and Its not mine)

No ones' s POV:

The party was starting to get more wild by the minute, everyone was dancing, drinking and having fun. But some people were having too many drinks causing them to go VERY drunk (ex: Ryggy having a lamp on his head also with just underwear on) but even with people getting drunk it was the time of everyone's life.

Mors POV: 

i still can't believe I gotten roped into this damn party. I don't do drinking unless i'm stressed, but clearly in this camp people get drunk way too easily. I saw That son of Anubis making out with his husband over there (Yes Bryan's alive in this) pushing Bryan into his room. I seriously doubt I was wrong on what they were about to do. 

I saw A couple of people up on stage dancing like maniacs, people over at the bar drinking, also the host the party: Roman Holiday I think? Was making his servants (or people or whatever) turn the volume up louder. He was basically trying to be the life of the party right now. 

I groaned and started to head to the bar because I was ;leaning on the wall. I sat down and had a couple of shots. But then after a couple minutes I started to feel really drunk. I groaned and started to feel a bit nauseous. I asked a cup of water. I gulped it down and then I felt a little better. i got out of my seat and just walked around the crowd. I had nothing to do....until I bumped into a certain someone....

Kaiba"s POV:

This was a very lit party! I'm proud of Roman making such a party! I'll be honest it seems a bit more fun than my own parties. But everyone was having so much fun! I didn't know Roman was a singer too! I had a couple of drinks as well, and I started to get VERY drunk. I was hiccuping and just having the time of my life!

I was in the crowd just dancing and drinking more, until I bumped into someone. Mors. He was on top of me and I blushed a little. Suddenly I felt a little desire for them.. like I wanted him. He helped me up. 

Mors: you alright Kaiba?

Kaiba: Oh yes I'm fine Mors.

Mors: I see you came to the party.

Kaiba: Ah yes! I was invited specially by Roman Holiday.

Mors: Wow then you must V.I.P then I presume?

Kaiba: Well, heh I wouldn't exactly say it like that.

He looked at me for a moment like he was thinking something. I decried I wanted to play with him a little~

I turned around and picked up my skirt a little from the back and backed up until I felt my tail on my body. I made sure I moved my tail a little making sure I purred against his large chest. I couldn't tell his expression because I was a bit far to see and the flashing lights from the overhead lights.

Suddenly I felt A large pair of hands gripped to my waist. 

Mors POV: 

His thighs were so huge in my took me a few minutes to get a good grip on them. I smirked and playfully slammed my waist on his behind. It made it look like I'm smashing him but I'm not.

He giggled a little teasing me, so he thinks I'm gonna let him top me? He'll no.

Then I led him to a lounge chair that was empty. I sat down and he sat on my lap putting his knees on the sofa. Then put of no where, he began bouncing playfully on my waist area.

I smirked and slammed my lips on his neck starting to bite and lick it finding his sweet spot. I could feel him getting hard.

Finally without a thought I pulled down his underwear a tad bit but didnt show it.

Looks like we're gonna have some fun~

(Want a part two?
requested by Nightmaremention a user

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