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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Twenty-Three: Resurrection


Misaki's POV:

As I hung up the phone all too reluctantly, I brought a calming hand through my hair. Usagi would be home soon, he wouldn't lie to me. So, why couldn't I believe it?

A swift knock on the door sounded, suddenly, and I sprinted in it's direction, maybe he was early. But as I reached the door, I stopped for a moment. Why would he knock? Why wouldn't he use his key? Maybe he forgot them. No, if he forgot he wouldn't have been able to start the car. I suddenly didn't want to open the door anymore, but I found it within myself to do so.

Loyd was staring back at me with his eyes wide, his face twisted in a desperate expression. "Loyd? What's wrong?"

"Misaki, where is Usami?" He asked abruptly.

It took me a moment to understand the question. "He-he just called and said he was doing some errands. I'm not sure exactly where he is, but he should be home soon," I peered at the clock behind me. The minute hand seemed to tick unusually slow. "Yeah, soon," I added, more to myself than to the detective.

I hope.

He didn't seem satisfied and stretched his fingers restlessly as his eyes looked everywhere but back at mine. Something wasn't right.

"What is it, Loyd?" I said, sterner, more demanding this time.

A rough exhale pushed through his lips, "Misaki," he started, "I don't know how to tell you this."

My stomach tightened and I had trouble speaking around the sudden lump in my throat, "Tell me what?" I couldn't keep my voice from hitching.

"Usami isn't doing errands."

I bit my lip and urged him to elaborate with my silence.

"We've found Takahiro, and...I-I promised Usami I would let him talk to him. He swore it would only be to talk, but...I'm starting to have some doubts."

My heart sank like an anchor. There's no way...

His eyes gauged my reaction, and when I still didn't say anything, he continued. "I read through the file on Takahiro's case and talked to some sources that informed me on Usami's...protective nature."

He sighed, and after a tense moment said, "I'm worried Usami has killed your brother, Misaki."

I knew it was my turn to speak, but there was no way I could force any words from my lips that would justify him. I always knew Usagi wanted his revenge, but I'd always assumed he'd never get it. I assumed Takahiro would be sent to prison before Usagi had a chance to find him. I assumed everything would work out okay.

But no.

This wasn't going to work out okay.

"Y-you let Usagi see him? Alone!?"

Loyd threw his hands up defensively, "Misaki I-I had assumed that he really only wanted to talk to him- I'm so sorry, I trusted Usami to keep his promise! I had a feeling that I shouldn't's against my right as a man of the law, but he just loves you so much, Misaki. I thought that he wouldn't be able to function without talking to Takahiro."

"But he isn't talking to him, Loyd! He's killing him!!"

I was crying now.

Loyd looked at me like I was a wounded animal below his boot, "Misaki, I'm sorry. I'll go to the location I instructed Usami to meet your brother. Maybe nothing has happened," he told me optimistically.

His optimism, however, was short lived. As Loyd turned to leave, myself at his heels, he nearly rammed right into a somewhat surprised looking Usagi. As short as he was, Loyd had to look up an embarrassing amount to meet his gaze, but Usagi did not return it. He glanced to me, then back to Loyd. His face twisted in a sick facade of realization and be pushed back the detective. With his hands still on his shoulders, he choked out, "What did you tell him?"

With eyes as wide as softballs Loyd stuttered, "U-Usami, I told him the truth. where is Takahiro?!" His lackluster voice suddenly adopted a stern tone that I've yet to hear him use before. Usagi stared back, eyes sharpened into the smallest of slits, before replying, "He's at the police station."

"How badly is he injured?" He questioned.

I saw Usagi suppress a scoff, "he just has a couple scrapes a bruises, nothing too serious."

Loyd's eyes narrowed, not believing a word of it. Without breaking their gaze, the detective reached into his back pocket and pulled out a cellphone, with which he punched some numbers into before holding it up to his ear and saying, "This is Detective Timothy Loyd. Have their been any new entries by the name of Takahiro Takahashi?" Everything was quite for a moment as I looked at Usagi with such yearning I didn't think I could stand it.

"I see," Loyd started again, "I'll be down there in a few minutes, do not let him out of your sight." He elaborated a bit excessively on that last part.


That means Takahiro's alive?

And potentially in prison?

Was everything really okay?

Tears that had stopped falling for the few tense moments continued on with a vengeance; rolling down my cheeks until gathering at the underside of my chin.

"Usagi..." I breathed.

Both men turned at my small voice, and almost immediately was Usagi pacing towards me, only taking three long strides to get to me. His arms outstretched, and I gladly buried myself into his chest. At another time, I probably wouldn't want Loyd to see us like this - to see me like this, but right now, I didn't really care. All I wanted was Usagi.

"I'm home," he whispered.

A/N: Sincerest apologies for the short, and somewhat long awaited chapter. But the story is nearing an end, so I should have the last couple parts out for you guys faster than you can say: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Or I can spell it. Thanks for your patience, you guys are awesome.

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