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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Nine: Remains

Like the new cover, bros?! :)


Usagi's POV:

Anger was not a new emotion to me, but right then, at that moment, it felt brand new. A new kind of rage flared up in my bloodstream, it fueled the conflagration already home in my mind, searing my sense of reality away into nothing.

I looked at Takahiro with a face that held nothing less than bloodlust.

"You let yourself live before your younger brother?" I hissed, voice low, steady.

He did not reply, his mouth opened, but no words left it. "You're despicable," I added.

I leaned down and snaked my fingers around his neck, slowly tightening them with each breath he struggled to take in. He was utterly pathetic. I despised the man I'd once loved more than anything. But at this point, he didn't even resemble the man I fell in love with, this man was a crazy, forbidding, over protective older brother. I'd grown accustomed to his responsibility he took it to himself to adopt after their parents death, he'd always been that way.

But now it wasn't even Takahiro anymore.

It broke my heart to see him so helpless, so unrecognizable, but right then I didn't care. I cared about nothing but Misaki, and I would find out what was going through this man's head when the car plunged into the water.

Even if I have to dissect him to find out.

"Why didn't you let Misaki be saved?" I asked him, only inches from his face.

He sucked in any oxygen he could get through his restricted airway and muttered a quite, "I didn't ask him to save me."

"You didn't answer my question!" My fingers squeezed ever tighter, and he began clawing at my hand, "Why didn't you tell him to save Misaki? Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you try to save Misaki yourself?!"

Takahiro did not answer, but rather pulled back a balled fist, and punched the side of my face. I staggered back, releasing Takahiro in the process, pain bubbled up on my jaw as I touched it gingerly.

I grunted as I turned to look at him.

"Stop won't let me explain..." Takahiro sucked in long breaths between his words.

"Then explain," I growled.

He inhaled deeply and begun, "I had already went unconscious, I couldn't stop him. Tatsuo told me what happened."

That didn't add up, "Then why aren't you in an ambulance, too? If you'd gone unconscious, then you should be in the same condition as Misaki."

He looked up, but said nothing. I didn't know if that meant that he was lying, or he simply didn't know how himself.

"I need to know, Takahiro," I said softly.

His eyes began to water, "I'm sorry."

I took a breath, "Sorry about what?"

"I could've stopped the car."

I froze for a moment, hoping I'd heard wrong, "What did you just say?"

He chuckled, "The car didn't have to go into the ocean. I just couldn't deal with him anymore, Usagi. I had to do something. And that something just happened to be driving through the railing. He always hated the rain," a smirk pulled his lips, "and he never wore a seatbelt."

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