Only Chance

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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Two: Only Chance



Misaki's POV:

I awoke with that damned nightmare still lingering as I sank into the kingsized bed. The soft material hugged my body, smoothing itself over my skin.

"You can't stay like that all day," came Usagi's far too chipper voice.

"I beg to differ," I answered, turning over onto my stomach. I heard him exhale a honeyed sigh and sit on the mattress. The bed creaked at our combined weight and dipped at where he sat.

I opened one eye and looked at him, "Why are you up so early?" I finally acknowledged the elephant in the room.

He lay on his right side, facing me with his chin propped up on his elbow. "It's..." he looks at his watch, "one in the afternoon."


"How have I been asleep so long?! And why didn't you wake me?!" I demanded, leaping from the bed and stripping out of my pajamas. Ripping open the drawer, I pulled out my white hoddie, Ol' reliable, I thought. I pushed the drawer closed and opened the one beneath it, greedily snatching up a random pair of dark blue jeans.

I stole a glance to the mirror, my hair was askew, brown tangles tracing my head like a dark blonde halo. I cringed, fathoming the idea of brushing it, but decided a shower would be easier.

I whipped around, clothes hugged against my naked chest, heading for the bathroom.

I was totally oblivious of Usagi's presence.

Until he chuckled.

I turned around agonizingly slow, knowing what I'd see would be my undoing. Heat ran up my neck, painting my cheeks and touching the tips of my ears.

Usagi was sitting with his legs crossed at his ankles on the end of the bed. He wore a stupid little smirk and had his amethyst eyes narrowed.

"E-Excuse me..." I turned back toward the bathroom, but before I could get to the safety of the shower, I felt Usagi's arms hook around my waist and hoist me up over his shoulder.

"Usagi!! Put me dow- I need to get ready and take a shower- Usagi!"

It really did make me happy when he treated me like this, swinging me over his shoulder, wearing a genuine smile, I loved it. But I could never let him see how much I actually enjoyed it.

"You stripped right in front of me. I can only assume that to be an invitation."

Usagi sat down and placed me on his lap. Only in my boxers, I squirmed, way too uncomfortable with this position.

One of his hands curled around my shoulder while the other nudged my chin up. Now I was face to face with his amethyst orbs and I could do nothing but stare lazily into their captivating colors.

Usagi placed a delicate butterfly kiss across my lips and whispered, "Fine, go."

I looked at him in a daze as he stood up with me in his arms and set me on the ground. He kept his hands on my waist until I proved I was sturdy and I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. A smile spread across his face and he gave me a playful shove toward the bathroom.

"Hurry up, now. I can't wait forever."


Usagi's POV:

It was around eleven at night now, and both us had grown painfully aware just how close we were to telling Takahiro about our relationship. Him and I had arranged for us to visit his house tomorrow, but we hadn't wanted to spend the night. If all hell broke loose, I wouldn't want to be sleeping under the same roof of someone who'd want to kill me.

We were both sitting on the couch, our muscles tight and our minds stressed. But, I had to be confident. I had to be there to push Misaki forward. Make sure he's alright before I am.

Because I'm not what matters.

He does.

I glanced over at Misaki. His face was tense and his lips were pressed in a thin line, as he was deep in thought.

"Please stop worrying. Everything will be fine," was all I could come up with.

I mentally slapped myself.

His emerald eyes flickered over to me, he smiled, though it seemed forced, not touching his eyes.

"I'm sorry. Do you want tea? Or coffee? I could make coffee, but we honestly don't have that many grounds left. I could go buy some if you want-"

"Misaki," I cut him off.

His voice falters and there's a sudden glisten in his eyes, a wetness. God, I hated it when he cried.

I raised my hand and chased a tear going down his cheek with my thumb. "I'm so scared, U-Usagi," he sobbed, falling into my chest.


He kept sobbing.

"Misaki, angel, please stop crying. It's going to be okay."

He only cried harder at that.

I had to do something.

I pushed him away, placing my hands on either sides of his face. I got only inches in front of him and whispered, "I won't let anything bad happen. I'll go out with Takahiro and tell him myself. You won't have to do anything."

Misaki shook his head vigorously, "No, I wanna be there. I'll help."

A sad smile played with my lips and I pulled him back to me, holding him close. I lay back down on the couch and wrap my arms around his waist. Nuzzling my face in his hair, I pulled a blanket over us both.

Misaki seemed thankful for the warmth, and soon, both of us had been lulled to sleep with worry on our minds and fear in our hearts.

A/N: I haven't been doing authors notes on my other novels, so it's kinda nice to see y'all again! So this chapter was a bit choppy, but I wanted to get it done. I'm sorry it took so long, and please let me know in the comments if you want me to start updating this more consistently. Thanks for reading, bros and I'll be back with another one, real soon.

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