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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Thirteen: Nameless


Misaki's POV:

My entire body was trembling with tears, I was wreaked with sobs and felt like I'd collapse right on the sidewalk. I didn't know where I was going; I had no where left to go.

"Misaki!" I heard Usagi - Usami, call behind me. I stopped, my fists clenched at my sides until my knuckles bleached.

"I hate you! I don't ever want to see you again, Usami!"

He fell silent at my harsh words.

And I kept walking.


I found myself back at Takahiro's house. All the lights were out, the house was drenched in darkness. Had Usami been telling the truth?

Was my brother dead?

I hesitantly knocked on the door, it felt to be around 6:00 PM, so I didn't have to worry about them being asleep, but why were all the lights out? I stood there for a moment in the chilly November air, until I heard clumsy, loud steps near the door, and eventually open it.

Behind it, stood none other than Manami. Even in the darkness I could see the bags underneath her usually bright eyes. "Oh, hello Misaki! How are you feeling? Takahiro told me about the accident."

He was alive. Thank God.

"I'm fine, Manami . But, is he?" I asked, I bit afraid to hear the answer.

She smiled softly, "He's been better, but is getting stronger everyday. That mugging was what hurt him the most."

She ushered me inside and closed the door softly behind me.


"Yes, didn't he tell you?"

"No, I was taken directly to the hospital after the incident."

Manami's brows furrowed and she gestured to the chair behind me. As I sat down, she said "Well, on his way to the train station, he was mugged by this terrible man that beat him nearly to death. Luckily he was close enough to civilization to call for help, but goodness was it scary."

I relaxed, "Wow, that certainly sounds like it. Um, would you mind if I talked to him?"

She shook her head and showed me to their room, which had my brother dwelling within it. He was the picture of beaten, his nose was in a sad little cast and his face was still swollen. His body was a visual map of cuts and bruises. I could hear his breathing from the few feet away I stood, and as I crept closer, heard his unusually raspy voice, "Misaki."

I smiled, "Takahiro...why didn't you tell me you got mugged..."

A seemingly painful chuckle rocked his chest as he said, "You were still recovering. I didn't want the first thing you heard to be something so unsettling."

I sighed and felt his hand grip mine, "I am so glad you're okay," he said warmly.

I felt warm tears pierce my eyes as he said those sweet words. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you," I sobbed.

He exhaled softly and his large eyes looked at me with nothing but kindness.

"Misaki," he whispered, "it's okay. I love you. Very much."

Usagi's POV:

He called me Usami.

No, call me Usagi, like you usually do.

Please, angel please turn around.

Come back.



After a few hours of laying in my bed, sleep never coming, I realized police had never showed. I hadn't been contacted, there were no knocks on the door, no phone calls to come down to the police station, nothing.

I paced around the apartment, far too restless to sit a moment longer. I tried to think of where Misaki would go, there was no where, I concluded.

That damn Sumi had moved into a small one room apartment in Sapporo because of the "simplicity" he oh-so desired.

And Takahiro...

No, I couldn't remember.

I sank to my knees on the floor, my bare back exposed to the cool breeze flowing through the cracked window.

Was Misaki stuck in an alley somewhere like I was? Oh God, my Misaki would be far too out of the element there, no one would ever leave him alone. He could be dead in a ditch somewhere, for all I knew.

Before that image had time to materialize completely, I heard my cellphone make a shrill ring, one I made a mental note to change later. I picked it up and, flinching at the bright light slicing through the darkness, saw Misaki, so beautifully printed on the screen.

I punched the Talk button and swiftly brought it to my ear, "Misaki! Angel, where are y-"

"He sure is cute when he's sleeping."

Misaki's voice was not the one dwelling on the other line.


"So innocent," he went on.

"Takahiro, what the hell are you doing with Misaki's cellphone?! Where is he?!" I demanded.

"It really is a shame.." He trailed off, his voice replaced with rustling, followed by a stifled shout.

I held my breath as, through the static of the phone, heard a startled, "Takahiro!!"

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