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Outside the Dream (A Junjou Romantica Fanfiction)

Chapter Three: Reluctance



Usagi's POV:

My God, we really had no way around this. If I was going to propose to Misaki, then I at least had to tell Takahiro of our relationship, then proceed to ask his permission to marry his brother.

Reluctance tore into me with razor sharp claws, but the train we were in still moved, still got closer to our impending confession. Time passed, even when it seemed impossible. With each tick of the second hand, it brought sharp aches of pain like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. But time still passed, even for us.

Before I even knew it, we were at Takahiro's doorstep. It was like everything prior to this had been a dream I couldn't remember. But now things had become abruptly real.

Misaki looked up at me for guidance. I gave a soft smile of reassurance and rang the doorbell. I could hear it echo through the house, then the soft pitter-patter of footsteps becoming increasingly louder as they neared the door. As it opened, we saw Mahiro looking up at us with wide eyes.

He looked more like Takahiro everyday.

I smiled down at the boy, "Hello, Mahiro. Can we come in?"

He didn't reply, but pulled the door open wider and stepped aside. I ushered Misaki in and followed him. He knelt down and hugged Mahiro, smiling deeply as he did so.

I closed the door and soon we were greeted by Manami and Takhiro.

I shook my old friend's hand, a look crept across his face, one of which I couldn't determine. I'm sure he was expecting me to hug him, maybe that's what caused his pointed look of disappoint. No, disappointment wasn't the right word.

Before I could decipher his emotion, his face changed back to a soft smile, revealing straight, white teeth.

"I'm so glad you two wanted to visit. We have so much to catch up on!" Takahiro beamed.

If you only knew...

Manami's voice piped up, "Mahiro, honey come here, I'll make you something to eat, okay?"

I turned to see Misaki carrying Mahiro, the five year old seemed to be whispering to him, but stopped at his mother's words. A small frown shown on his face as Misaki handed him over to Manami.

"Don't worry, I'll be here and you can tell me later," Misaki assured.

Mahiro waved as she took him into the kitchen. Takahiro motioned to the couch in the living room and urged us to sit down. He had such a modern house, it had a family feel that I wanted. Perhaps I could purchase one like this.

Misaki would love it, and that would be reason enough.


Misaki's POV:

I tapped my foot nervously, watching Takahiro and Usagi chat. I envied way they talked like it was nothing, or rather, how Usagi did it. Despite how much he tried to hide it, I could see his reluctance.

It was obvious.

"Mitaki, Mitaki!" Came a voice from the kitchen. I turned, it's been the first time he'd spoken in front of Usagi and he walked to me.

"Hey, have a nice lunch?" I asked, poking Mahiro's stomach. He laughed sweetly and said, "Yep. Now come on, I need to show you something!"

I shot a look that said 'There's nothing I can do' to Usagi as Mahiro dragged me to his room. Light blue paint was splayed across the walls, but it gradually became darker to a color almost black on the ceiling. Numerous white flecks dotted all over the wall to be stars.

Holy crap that's awesome.


After we'd talked alllll about Mahiro's new teacher, somehow we'd gotten on the topic of Usagi.

"You seem real close. Like boyfriend and girlfriend, Mitaki," Mahiro giggled.

I blinked.

"Not true," I replied softly, my cheeks reddening.

"Is so. Do you love Usagi? You sure seem like it.

I paused for a moment. We were telling Takahiro anyway, I might as well answer Mahiro truthfully.

"Yeah...I do," I admitted, my lips twisting in a shy smile.

I froze when I heard Takahiro's angered voice,



A/N: Not my best chapter by far, but I wanted to get it done for you guys. Thank you for all your support and I will try to get chapters out more often. Thanks for reading and I'll be back with another one, real soon.

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