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I'm all better now thank you for the warm messages ☺️☺️


Yoongi instinctively grabbed Jungkook, quickly bringing him back to their room. "Tell me you heard what I heard." He whispered. Yes, a family was something he wanted for so long. And the Alpha had wanted it so desperately with Jimin. But Jimin was a vampire, this was impossible. Yet, there was living proof of this improbability.

"You can't possibly be thinking that," Jungkook warned. He didn't want to entertain the idea either, but it was there. Now what? "Jimin he can't... I can't... maybe you but." The same thoughts that were running around in his mind were evident on Jungkook's pale face. "Heteropaternal superfecundation twins." He breathed.

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi asked desperately.

"It means when we had that threesome we most likely got Jimin pregnant together," Jungkook replied curtly. "But how is that possible? Vampires are infertile." 

"So are you saying... those children... those are our children." Yoongi needed someone to confirm this because if this is true not only does he have his children, Jimin must be nearby. And their family, this is their family. Those children were theirs.

"We need to talk to Seokjin," Jungkook said as he took his phone out. "He was the one who took Jimin to the hospital the day you had your final transmutation. If all this is true then it must have been that day when Jimin found out. His nausea, him fainting... it must have been the pregnancy."

Yoongi nodded slowly, his body felt stiff. He just needed to know. And he wanted the truth. So as the phone rang, he felt a large pool of hope resurrect within him.

"How are the new lovebirds getting along." Seokjin giggled as he picked up. "The pack is doing wonderful by the way-"

"Seokjin." Yoongi called sternly. "The day Jimin left was he pregnant?"

"I- I don't know what you're taking about." Seokjin cleared his throat. He was understanding the severity of the situation. The truth was as clear as day.

"Oh I think you know exactly what we are talking about." Jungkook said urgently. Yoongi could sense his distress, because it was something that conjured deep within him as well.

"It was supposed to be an impossible pregnancy, so he didn't want me to tell you." Seokjin reasoned. "The success rate was less than one percent."

"He gave birth to healthy twins." Yoongi broke the news. "And they are looking for their father. One is a vampire and the other is a werewolf. What is the probability we are both the father."

"A vampire? As a child? That's impossible." Seokjin stuttered. "But two different fathers... it is possible. Although what shocked me the most was someone who shouldn't be pregnant was pregnant. Where is Jimin?"

"We are looking for him." Jungkook said quickly. There was no discussion, Jimin was within their reach. He was nearby and their broken family would finally be complete.

"I had this suspicion while I was doing tests on Jimin." Seokjin said cautiously. This was something that was usually against the laws of the pack because it suggested treason. But Yoongi was willing to put that aside. "When you said Jimin was your demon from your past life... it occurred to me he might not be a vampire."

"Right." Jungkook nodded slowly. Something seemed to click in him, something Yoongi didn't quite understand yet. "That day you summoned Jimin, you wanted a friend. And so he came in the form of a person. The power you and your mother have allows you to summon a demon and have them take whichever form you wanted. So when you met Jimin in your second life, you wanted him to be an omega. And so his form began to change."

"His body was mutating on its own?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes." Seokjin answered. "His DNA, had patterns of an omega but also something else."

"I know Jimin... and as morbid as it sounds, he would have found a way to die together." Jungkook whispered as if the words tainted his lips all over. "But there was something far more precious he had to save."

"That's why he-." Yoongi mumbled softly as it finally struck him. Jimin was the most beautiful person that could ever exist. "That's what he meant by this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life."

The truth was forming together so perfectly. Jimin had always been his final piece. Suddenly, they heard a chair topple over from the other room. And as Yoongi and Jungkook ran to where the children were. They were already gone.


Two more chapters left 🥺

Ahhhh I'm going to miss this so much!

Love Minty xxx

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