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'Leaving again?' Jimin would whine. 'Please stay, I promise to be more gentle.' He would seduce.
'I order you to remain in the chambers with me!' He would complain like a spoilt child. Jimin never acted like a child, unless it had involved Jungkook. The head butler would only sigh in response.

"Butler Jeon." A servant called out after Jungkook who was speeding through the plaza. "The Master has been looking for you. I'll do the shopping at the market."

Jungkook found it hard to slip away from Jimin especially since the vampire wouldn't let him out of his sight. "I've been locked up in the master's chambers for far too long. Let me take a short stroll, he will not die if I'm apart from him for a few hours."

The servant trembled, Jimin was a kind master, but no one wanted to cross him angry, he had only learnt to be unreasonable because of Jungkook."Butler Jeon, then I'll help you so we can hurry back." Jungkook sighed and handed him a list of things to buy. "I actually want to buy the master a gift... why don't you make the orders to the vendors and have them send the food to the carriage. I'll be over there looking at the trinkets. Don't you dare buy anything below the standard of the estate. Money doesn't matter."

"Yes Butler Jeon." The servant bowed and made his way through the market to carry out the order.
Right. Now the head butler had the time to do what he actually wanted to do. Jungkook needed to find his successor.

There were far less Children on the streets since Jimin had expanded the orphanage. But Jungkook knew where to look, it had been a few years but he had hoped to find some children by the bridge. He remembered it being a place to hide from the shelter during the winter.

When he got to the bridge he found three children. Two little girls and the youngest a boy. They looked scared as they bundled together. Jungkook held out a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. They looked at him but they didn't move. The human realised he could come across as someone with evil intentions. "I'm Butler Jeon, from the Park estate. I'm looking for someone that would like to be my apprentice and take my role in the future."

The eldest had her hand protectively over the others. "You want to bring us to the orphanage... we won't be separated."

Jungkook shook his head and held his hand up to swear. Now that he thought about it, when he was in their place it was Jimin's soft smile and warm hands that convinced him to follow the Master. So he held out his hand to mirror the way Jimin had once done for him. "I promise I will not separate you."

Other than finding his replacement, Jungkook had to ensure he never left Jimin's side and to train possible candidates to be his apprentice. Lastly, he had to make sure Jimin couldn't find out what was happening. He tried to avoid meeting Jimin's eyes for too long just in case the vampire was able to read him easily if he did. Whether they were making love or passing small glances, Jimin wasn't allowed to know that Jungkook would leave him soon.

He wasn't scared of dying. He was scared to leave Jimin with so much pain. When he leaves, who would comfort the most lonely man he had ever met?


Minty xxx

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