Chapter 7-Splash Down

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Looking out the small window, I saw the water below us approaching quickly. We felt the jolt of the thrusters as they slowed the capsule for impact just before we hit the water. The next thing to happen was the flotation ring on the capsule deployed and inflated to keep us upright. We were wobbling around now like a fishing bobber with a hook hanging below it. Once the rocking settled down, we were able to get a clear picture of our surroundings out of the small windows.

We were in a large body of water, but could definitely see land with mountains in the distance. I watched Vlad as he unstrapped himself and pushed hard against the latches on the door to swing it open. He stood there in the doorway for a moment completely still. I could smell what he was pausing for, the air we had not breathed since launching toward Mars. We were home.

The sunlight was on Vlad and I could see he was relishing the feel of the warmth we were denied while living in our colony for so long.

"Mika, come over here" Vlad said as he made room for me to stand in the sun beside him. "Look over there floating in the water, our crew capsule with the others" He waved and they waved back.

I handed him the square package, which would inflate into a raft for us, and then I assembled the paddles, time now to go find the Intrepid‟s crew.


On the Intrepid pilot capsule, things unfolded a bit more chaotically than on the Dauntless. Anatoly, Fredrik and Izabella were strapped in tight with not much else they could do besides holding on tight.

Izabella spoke, "Boys, remember your training, work to stay conscious and do not let the g-forces black you out." The capsule was coming in at a low and fast angle when the parachutes deployed, one was a tangled mess and the other could barley slow them down. The capsule was spinning madly now as the occupants were whipped around in the interior.

The counter boosters fired as they hit the thirty-meter mark, but the ship was not vertical as planned so the boosters made matters worse, instead of helping bring the capsule to a soft landing, they shot it in an arc over a heavily wooded area. The capsule careened through the trees with sparks flying and smoke trailing until it came to a sliding halt in the undergrowth. Inside pieces were coming loose and glass was shattering. A large canister slammed Izabella and the flying glass gashed everyone‟s suits. The chaos slowed as the capsule finally halted.

Fredrik was the first to recover and Anatoly followed. "Toly, are you alright" Fredrik asked as he looked back at his older brother.

No reply but a groan and feeble thumbs up.

"Izabella" he looked to his left at her body slumped over the controls. "Izabella" he reached to shake her shoulder. "Toly, come on this smoke is filling up on us in here, we need to open the hatch and get her out,"

Anatoly winced as he climbed out of his seat; he removed his helmet and vomited. Then he was able to climb toward the hatch and release the latches to shove it open. The rush of air into the cockpit caused the small sparks to ignite into large flames that begin to devour the interior.

Fredrik now had Izabella unhooked and was dragging her with his hands under her arms toward the exit. Anatoly yelled at him, "she's as good as gone brother, just like our mother and the rest of her family, just leave her and get out now while you can."

Disappointed in his brother's response, Fredrik continued, steadfast in his resolve to lift her out as the flames bit into his feet and legs. With all of his might and remaining physical reserves, he was able to get Izabella to the hatch and shove her out.

As she tumbled limply to the dirt below, Fredrik climbed out as well and jumped down. "Toly, I got her out, now help me! Let's get away from here before this whole area goes up in flames."

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