Chapter 23 - Friend or Foe

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NSA Agent Olivia Robinson landed at the Berlin Brandenburg airport about two hours

prior to her rendezvous with the attorney and his passengers from the Ukraine state. The small

government jet she rode in on left her at the opposite end of the airport from the private plane

hangars. She started to make the long walk toward the car rental agencies so she could retrieve

the sedan the system reserved for her. Stopping about halfway there, Olivia needed some coffee

to sharpen her senses.

Robinson stepped into a small kiosk related to the Berlin Coffee House and got a large

cup of Kronung Koffee, dark black with a heavy pungent aroma. This cup would do the trick,

just what she needed. While sipping her refreshment, she used the down time as an opportunity

to check in with her office and report on her progress. Finally, she picked up her black BMW

sedan from Avis and pulled away from the main terminal, driving on until she reached the

private jet hangars. Checking her watch, she only had about ten minutes before their scheduled


The blue and white Dassault approached quietly as it touched down on the runway.

Slowing down to taxi speed, the overpriced French jet made its way toward the hangar owned by

Christian‟s law firm. Sonya and Vlad were anxious to get off the plane. The ground crew

waived the craft into the hangar and the pilot shut the engines down as the plane was secured in


Agent Robinson waited until the all clear was given before she exited her BMW and

strode to the stairs being lowered from the fuselage.

Christian was the first down the stairs. Looking at Robinson and then scanning to see if

Hans had arrived, he spoke "Hello, are you alone? Has a man named Hans showed up?"

Olivia always hated multiple questions. She replied, "Yes and no. I‟m alone and no one

named Hans has been here at all. And you are?" She questioned.

Christian apologized, "I‟m sorry, my name is Christian." He shook her hand as he

stepped down, continuing the introductions as the others followed him off the plane, "and this 

is Sonya, Vladimir and Veronika."

Robinson eyed the arrivals curiously. "Do you have transportation?" She questioned.

"As soon as Hans arrives, we will," Chris responded, obviously frustrated.

Then with impeccable timing, Hans pulled into the hangar with his Mercedes-Benz 870S,

parking next to Robinson‟s plain rental sedan. "Christian my friend, I am sorry for the delay. I

hope no one was inconvenienced by my tardiness." He smiles at Olivia as he feigned an


These people made too much money to worry about other people's schedules.

Robinson coolly answered, "I was just asking myself how many lawyers it takes to make

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