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3.5 – 2

"Ahh, jeez! Just sitting here thinking about this all alone won't get me anywhere!"

Even if there was no one there to hear it, Camilla shouted in a familiar way as she got to her feet.

This wasn't the time to get absorbed in thoughts like these.

In situations like this, the best thing she could do was get out of the house until she felt better. Maybe things would get resolved without her having to worry about it, that was what Camilla hoped. Either that, or by getting absorbed in something else she might be able to get her mind off it.

That's why Camilla was now in the kitchen, just a slither of time before noon.

The kitchen was already packed full of people getting ready to cook.

Most of the hastily built temporary homes didn't have kitchens in them. They usually didn't even have their own bathrooms either. When they said that these homes were to be temporary, they really did mean that. The best thing you could really say about them was that they had four walls and a roof.

Therefore, communal facilities had to be hastily erected as well. Another large building was constructed near the temporary residences, replete with kitchens, bathing areas and restrooms, made free to use by all.

And inside the communal kitchen in that place was Camilla. The kitchen, which was constructed in a way that it could be easily taken apart later, had an oven that was a nightmare to ignite and a kiln that was cumbersome to bake bread in. Bumpy and mismatched countertops were placed side by side to form a bench.

On top of a faulty and worn-out furnace a brand new pot sat in complete disparity. Chopping up ingredients and adding them to that big pot were the cooks and chefs of the Montchat family, who had travelled all the way from the capital.

After a month, help had come from further afield than just Grenze. The relief from Grenze had mostly come in the form of physical labour, whilst from the capital Alois had made gold and supplies flow.

The land had begun to stray into the winter months. On top of that, the land of Mohnton was the northernmost territory of the Kingdom of Sonnenlicht. So in Einst, a land even further north than the territory's capital, the biting chill had already begun to set in. Those few farmed fields around the mining town had already begun to wither away, with the animals themselves shepherded inside for the season. Left to their own devices, what could they eat? Toxic plants or poisonous toads out of the bogs? With their food reserves ruined, the looming specter of starvation hung very ominously over the people of Einst, who had only just begun to find their feet after that disaster.

Therefore, in the aftermath of the calamity, meals were provided for the people of Einst. Led by the cooks employed by the Montchat household, cooked food was distributed to the people daily, and Camilla often pitched in.

For Camilla, who had neither physical nor magical strength enough to help in the rebuilding and reclamation process, the least she could do was help prepare ingredients for the cooks.

At first, the people there were a bit anxious about having Camilla in the kitchen, but after she put in a few shifts they didn't mind her being there at all.

Right now, Camilla was dicing up vegetables alongside the other chefs and didn't look out of place at all whilst doing it. Camilla, of course, was very picky about making sure the vegetables were thoroughly washed and peeled before she cut them up.

"...About Lord Alois?"

Theo and Leon exchanged looks with one another, as they carried large sacks of wheat into that busy kitchen.

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