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The Capital; One Month Later (2)

The royal capital was all hustle and bustle.

Shops lined both sides of the boulevards as carriages rattled down the street. The loud voices of peddlers hawking their wares or trying to drive foot traffic into one shop or another echoed into the midday sky.

"...Come to think of it, Lord Alois, couldn't you have just changed your appearance with magic?"

As they passed through the busy streets, Camilla looked up at Alois with a frown. The embarrassment from having completely forgotten about that was plain to see on her face.

"Don't be an idiot, I wouldn't have had half as much fun if we did that."

Diana made a light jab at Camilla as she walked beside her. As she and Camilla strolled side by side in their cheap-looking clothing, she looked up at Alois as well.

"Besides, half the excitement is wondering whether or not someone will find you out."

"You really are a bad girl, aren't you?"

Camilla looked flabbergasted as Diana grinned. Alois still felt a little restless as he watched the two of them talk.

– Just what is going on?

To his eyes, it was like both of them had transformed into normal common girls. All the gorgeous dresses and expensive finery that distinguished nobility and their close servants had disappeared, replaced by simple shirts and skirts. Even the way they'd done up their hair had been taken down several notches of complexity and they had only used a bare modicum of makeup. Of course, Camilla didn't suddenly adjust her well-practised manner of walking or change the way she talked, but unless you looked really closely it would be impossible to tell that she was a noble.

What's more, Camilla's face was bright and happy, despite her words. That villainess from the rumours seemed like something from a distant memory as she strolled down the sidewalk next to him.

Of course, the Alois who was with them was not quite his usual self either.

He wore a patched shirt and hempen trousers, along with tough but breathable leather shoes. To complete the outfit, his characteristic hair was hidden under a wide-brimmed hat.

He'd never really paid much attention to fashion before, but this was the first time he'd worn truly modest clothing like this. He couldn't quite feel comfortable wearing this sort of clothing that he'd never tried on before.

What's more, Camilla had suddenly taken him out into public with these kinds of clothes on. He was wondering just what people would think of him, but to his surprise, not a single person seemed to be paying attention. As he was bewildered by the whole thing, time flew and eventually they found themselves in the centre of the royal capital.

Camilla didn't seem to share any of his restlessness as she looked through the display window of a store. Diana seemed like this was second nature to her. When she went inside to have a look at something, the store clerk treated Camilla as if she were just any regular customer as well. Alois felt like he was the only sane one in this topsy-turvy world.

"...Camilla? When you lived in the capital, did you always do things like this?"

When Alois whispered that to her, the corners of Camilla's mouth curled upward.

"Oh my, afraid of being found out?"

"If people found out, things might get worse. What's more, going out without a guard, you're defenceless..."

"You don't need to worry about such a thing. Because, no one is really going to suspect that a noble would walk outside like thi- Ah, there it is! The flour!"

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