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The food that Alois had been eating, as well as the dish it was prepared upon, had been destroyed in the maelstrom of rampant magical energy.

But, by the next morning, it seems like the maids had cleaned up the shattered remains of the dish, as well as everything else that had been destroyed in the storeroom.

The same was true of the office where he had first ingested the poison. The cracked plate had been cleared away, as well as the food that had been thrown to the floor with it.

But, it really was quite the disturbance. It was difficult to clean up properly after such a thing. There were still some errant pieces of the countless amount of debris hidden in the shadows of the room or under the shelves. But, Alois didn't have any intention of chastising anyone for it.

That turbulent night had eventually passed into the next day. As Alois sat in his office that morning, brightened by the sun's rays, he began to think to himself.

Perhaps it was because of that awful display last night? For some reason, his head felt clearer than it had in a long time. Even though the last of his father's plates were used to serve him his breakfast this morning, he didn't feel anything when he looked at it. It was as if the shades of his father and mother, that had burrowed themselves away in his heart, really had faded into nothing.

On the other hand, Alois felt the magical power that had long since lay dormant in him begin to awake. The magical power that he had sealed away with his own feelings of guilt and despair began to flow through his veins. But, it wasn't something he couldn't control. Soon enough, it would feel like just another part of his body.

He was still slightly anxious about what 'change' might really mean. He had no doubts that there would be fierce resistance. But, now that his mind was clear, he was determined to take steps forward, no matter what stood in his way. And for sure, he had Camilla to thank for that.

The first thing he had to do was consider the most pressing problem he was facing straight away.

That was, the poison that had been intended to take Alois' life.

"Lord Alois! I was worried when I didn't see you in your room, and now I find you here!?"

When Camilla found Alois sitting behind his desk, she scolded him straight away. Camilla didn't knock and wait for Alois to allow her to enter his office, she simply stepped straight through the doors and began speaking as soon as she laid eyes on him.

"Are you really feeling better enough to walk around? What's more, to be working at a time like this!?"

Why wasn't he taking his rest? She had come to check on him in his room, but as she did she ran into the doctor from the day before who told her that Alois had already gotten out of bed early that morning, and here he was. She couldn't believe what she was hearing and double checked his room only to find an empty bed. If anything, she felt like a fool for having been so worried in the first place.

"I even heard that you've eaten breakfast!? How can you eat something like that now!?"

The type of breakfast that Alois was served on a daily basis was absolutely not something that should be served to someone recovering from poisoning and needing their rest. As per usual, it was a veritable mountain of sugary and salty food, awash in a sea of oil and fat. It's really abnormal that he was even able to take a single bite in his condition.

Alois, though, just smiled. As he stood up, he thought of a good excuse as he opened his mouth.

But, whatever he was going to say, the words never left his lips.

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