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Of course, Camilla knew nothing about Alois and Klaus' adventures as she was busy dealing with the fallout.

After Verrat gave in, Camilla left the despondent girl with Finne before going to try and cool down the situation between the vigilantes with Victor and the other boys. She meant to do it literally and, conveniently, there was the water which flowed into a fountain in the plaza. After a few buckets full of water, enough of them regained their senses a little bit.

It goes without saying some of them didn't take kindly to it, but she wasn't alone anymore. Victor, Dieter and Otto were much more reliable when it came to muscle, compared to a certain dainty nobleman she knew.

There were also quite a few who had been knocked out in the fighting. After sprinkling a little water on their faces too, they managed to regain consciousness.

That's why, by the time the culprits Alois and Klaus finally left that back alleyway, the uproar on the main street had settled down somewhat.

When he saw just what a state the boulevard was in, Alois was lost for words. Klaus, meanwhile, didn't break from that characteristic careless expression of his.

Sitting in the middle of the square, Camilla was exhausted. The same could be said for Victor and his friends, who had been helping her trying to settle everyone down. Once the noise had died away and there was some element of peace again, that exhaustion had finally caught up with them.

There was barely a soul on the boulevard anymore. To tend to some of the injured, only a few of the young vigilantes had stayed behind. After the festival had been trampled underfoot by the chaos, only ruined stands and a broken stage lay in its wake. The only musical instrument that had survived was Victor's violin as well.

The band members were full of grief and the young vigilantes looked on with a deep sense of guilt. Verrat sat quietly in a corner of the square, head in hands, and not even the usually stout Camilla had anything to say.

Alois held his breath as he looked at the despondent scene in the plaza.

"C-Camilla, um..."

After running up to Camilla, Alois struggled to find what words to say to her.

But, no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't think of an excuse. To solve the issue of the Lörrich succession, he had chosen to sacrifice all this.


Instead of the perfect words that he wished would come to mind, Alois could only sigh instead.

Because of their strategy, he knew that there was going to be a disturbance on the main street.

Of course, it wasn't Alois' aim to have that uproar grow out of control. He knew just how much Victor and the others had been preparing leading up to the big day, and just how much Camilla had been looking forward to it. That's why he was hoping against hope that at least the physical damage would be minimal.

But, in the end, things ended up going according to his worst-case scenario.

Or rather, it was actually worse than Alois ever imagined it could get.

"...That things ended up this way, it's all my responsibility."

Alois decided to tell her the truth, as unsavoury as it was.

"I knew that something like this would happen from the beginning. Despite knowing that, I intentionally overlooked it. Camilla... I'm the one who ruined this for you."

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