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Standing outside the kitchen, Camilla found herself glaring at Klaus once again.

"I was kicked out because of you!"

"No... I don't think that one was actually my fault."

Klaus, who had been told to leave alongside Camilla, said that as he stretched out his back. Even though Günter, the head chef, had thrown them out, he didn't seem to be acting like it was much of a big deal.

"The Head ChefOld Man really is way too serious and sensitive about everything. I guess that's why he's still single."

"Rather, I think you're the one who isn't serious enough."

Camilla spat that out bitterly, rubbing her forehead between her fingers.

Camilla's sudden outburst had genuinely hurt Günter.

He looked truly shocked when he heard her yell out how she loved Prince Julian. That usually rugged and strict face of his stood with mouth agape as if he had been stunned out of his senses. Even that usually vibrant red hair of his somehow seemed to lose a bit of its lustre.

Rough as he made himself out to be, it seemed that his true feelings were actually delicate enough to match his cooking. Although it wasn't about himself, he still felt upset hearing it, telling them both to 'get out' through an unusually weak voice.

'It's best you stay out of the kitchen for a while,' he said specifically to Camilla as she left, making her feel all the more bitter.

The door that Camilla and Klaus had been kicked out through now stood firmly closed.

Inside, Günter was all alone. Was he crying or shouting curses? It was eerily quiet. With a final glance at the door, Camilla sighed.

Klaus looked surprised as he gazed at her.

"You actually care about that kind of thing, huh?"

"What do you mean by that?"

As Camilla snarled, Klaus' eyes perked up a bit while flashing her his particular brand of smile which she had really come to hate.

"Oh, nothing... I just thought it was pretty cute."

Camilla only frowned in reply, turning away from Klaus. She didn't even try to hide her disdain, but Klaus didn't seem to be daunted by it, calling out to Camilla again with the same voice.

"Do you really love Prince Julian? The man who abandoned you for the girl from the Ende family? Can you really still like a guy like that?"

"That is just how I am."

"I see. Very interesting. Hmm~."

Klaus made all sorts of agreeable sounds as Camilla raised her head to answer him, looking at that face of his.

That lean and handsome face of his, similar to Prince Julian's, was twisted slightly into an ill-natured smirk. She saw something in those eyes she had dismissed as those of a frivolous playboy's before, something like a predator eyeing its prey.

"You should forget about an awful man like that."

Klaus words snaked into her ear, soft as honey. As he did, he laid his hand across his own chest. As much as Camilla was irritated to admit it, the way he quit his usual irreverent way of carrying himself and bowed as he spoke did look good.

"Such a man doesn't befit you at all. I'm a much better man. Unlike him, I'm kind to girls, I've never made any lover of mine cry. I might not be a prince, but I am a genius. Along with me, you would never feel any discomfort for your entire life."

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