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Rather late in the day, it was suddenly decided that the two of them would have a tea party, so here they were.

The afternoon was already bleeding into the evening, and it was almost time for dinner. As the red of the setting sun lit up the courtyard, Alois and Camilla sat across from each other at a round white table.

On the table, there was a veritable mountain of cakes and pastries made by Günter. There were miniature white cakes, topped with fresh cream. Raspberry tarts, their filling a vibrant shade of red. Savoury sized cherry pies and perfectly uniform cookies that resembled cobblestones.

They were different from the spur of the moment artisan creations of Klaus, the confectionaries that Günter made were all just like you'd see in the recipe book. The fact that none of them deviated from one another in either appearance or taste was proof of his skill.

But, as is always the case in this house, they didn't make their way to Alois' plate without being coated in sugar first. Not to mention that extra dollops of sweet cream were added, along with bastings of syrup, honey and saccharine jams. It was as if the original taste were buried under an avalanche of sugar.

– This tradition of theirs is utterly absurd.

She had seen how much effort Günter had poured into making these back in the kitchen, so it hurt her heart to see them bastardized like this.

"Is something wrong?"

Alois looked puzzled when he saw how bitter Camilla looked. There wasn't much energy in his expression when he called out to her as if he were exhausted. Was the work that piled up during their stay in Blume so overwhelming that it was even causing Alois problems? It wasn't unusual to see him spend all day in his office lately.

"...Nothing in particular."

"I see...?" Alois mused as she answered him, then took a bite of one of the tarts that were far too sweet for Camilla.

"It feels like it has been a while since I've eaten this much."

Alois laughed as if he were slightly troubled by the huge stack of food in front of him, although taking another bite straight after.

It was definitely true that as of late, Alois' diet had begun to resemble what was normal for a man his age. They had also started to take regular walks together instead of taking morning or afternoon tea, with the number of sugary snacks he was eating being reduced as well.

What's more, ever since returning from Blume, Alois has apparently begun practicing riding again. "Something like swinging a sword around is still a little too much for me," he had said, which is why he chose to take horse riding back up. Even though he was so busy with work as of late, he still took time where he could to practice his equestrian skills. That probably was part of the reason why he seems so tired.

She had seen him take the reins of a carriage before, so he must know how to handle horses. The main issue in the past was that there was no horse strong enough to carry Alois' weight. That, however, has changed.

– Somehow... I feel like it would suit him.

Not able or willing touch those violent sugary traps on the table, Camilla instead gazed at Alois, sipping her tea.

Alois, riding on horseback... she thought to herself that, perhaps, she might like to see that someday.

Camilla had arrived in the Duchy of Mohnton in the waning weeks of summer. That was already more than ten months ago.

Spring had already come into bloom. Alois' twenty-fourth birthday was drawing nearer by the day. After Alois' birthday, it wouldn't be too long until Camilla herself turned nineteen.

The Villainess Wants to Make Her Husband Slim DownHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin