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"Oh? Victor, is your practice already over?"

It was a cheerful young woman who came down the stairs. She must have been around the same age as Camilla, or perhaps a year younger. Her hair was a shade of ruddy brown and her eyebrows were slightly thick. She wouldn't ever rank amongst the most beautiful women of the royal court, but she was a pretty girl all the same.

As soon as they heard her voice come down the stairs, the five young musicians instantly relaxed. The way that colour flooded back into Victor's face was remarkable.


"Mm. I came to look for you since the Master was calling after you, but... Guests? That's unusual, isn't it?"

The girl, whose name was Mia, looked curiously at Camilla and the others. She looked at each of the four visitors, all much better dressed than Victor's group, then her eyes widened in surprise as she realized something.

"...Wait, isn't that Lord Klaus!? Why have you come to such a place!?"

"Hmm... I was exploring?"

"Ah, is that so... So that's why the door to the stairs was open? Gosh, that's dangerous... I'm glad it was only you this time, Lord Klaus, but what if it were someone else?"

With a sigh, Mia turned an angry eye towards Victor. Then, without letting him avoid her gaze for a second, she walked right up to him.

"Do you truly understand just how dangerous this is? If you're found out, the Master will be in trouble, and so will I-"

"I know. Mia, trust me, I know."

With Mia right up in his face, Victor shook his head hurriedly. But, Mia still looked at him dubiously. Victor tried to avoid her eyes as he spoke to change the subject.

"A-Anyways, Mia, you said that father was looking for me?"

"...Mm. That's right. Victor, did you forget that you had a business meeting this evening? The Master was in a panic because the client should be arriving any minute."


With a frown, Victor stood up in a panic. Then, he raced up the stairs... But not before turning and bowing deeply to the group in front of him.

"Lord Klaus, my apologies. Even though we were in the middle of our discussion, there's some urgent business I have to attend...!"

"Ahh... Okay."

"My apologies, but I'll be off!"

Once his violin was back on the shelf, Victor flew up the stairs like the wind.

"I'm very sorry that he has caused you so much trouble."

Mia bowed to the cellar's visitors with an apologetic look. Then, with a sigh, she raised her head.

"I should also be returning. Please excuse me."

With those words, Mia followed Victor up the stairs.

After that, the eight people left in the basement were left a little dumbfounded.

"So that's Mia, his fiancée?"

After the storm that had rocked the cellar subsided, Camilla muttered to herself.

She had a blunt way of talking just as you'd expect of someone from a craftsman's family, but she was pretty and seemed like a good person. She liked the way that she was polite yet untimid in front of a group of nobles. She seemed like a good match for Victor, who seemed to struggle a little bit with adversity.

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