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She had run into the plaza as she searched for Victor and the others. The first thing that Camilla noticed was Verrat raising that violin high above her head.

As she saw the desecrated stage and the shock on Victor and his friend's faces, she instinctively knew what she was about to do.

So, she dived in, not really thinking about what would happen next.

"Just what are you doing, you!?"

Camilla shouted as she sat on top of Verrat, grabbing her collar.

There wasn't even a shadow of her usual cool face. The expression with which she looked up at Camilla with was unstable and trembling.

When Camilla tackled her, it seemed like Verrat had dropped Victor's violin. It had fallen a little ways away, but no one had picked it up. Victor, Mia and their friends were just looking at Camilla and Verrat in stunned silence.

"...Let go of me."

Despite that expression of hers, Verrat's voice was calm. With a tone that sounded as if she had lost all of her emotion, she grabbed Camilla's arm that held her down.

"This is for Victor's sake."

"Just what are you saying?"

As Camilla glared at her, Verrat paid her a quick glance. Then, she looked away again, her eyes drifting to Victor's violin.

"Mia isn't worthy of being with Victor. So, Mia is bad. Mia was the reason Victor learned to play music as well."

Verrat spoke plainly. It wasn't a loud voice, and the violent ruckus playing out in the main street could still be heard, but somehow what she was saying cut through all of that.

Listening to her words and the way she said them, Camilla felt something was truly off.

"...Didn't you say that you wanted to learn how to sing, so that you could celebrate their marriage?"

"That's right. But, Mia is bad. So, I'm going to end it like this."

Verrat let out a small, derisive laugh.

When she saw that crooked smile of hers, Camilla finally realized it.

Earlier, when Victor and the others were caught by the vigilantes, Camilla had her suspicions that someone must have sold them out. But when Camilla realized that Alois was the most likely suspect, she ruled out the possibility of a traitor.

But, Camilla's suspicions were almost correct.

"You were the one who told the vigilante militia. You told them about the cellar."

Verrat didn't answer her. But, that told her all she needed to know.

After Victor was freed from the vigilantes, she had heard that his engagement to Mia might be in jeopardy. Since it was a disgrace for a wealthy merchant's son to be caught up in something like that, someone would have to take responsibility. Since Mia was the daughter of a poor tailor, Verrat figured that she might have been made an easy scapegoat.

The reaction of Victor's family must not have factored into Verrat's plan at all. Instead of cancelling his engagement to Mia, it was as if they encouraged him to have another go at music.

"For the sake of Victor's happiness, Mia isn't suitable. Everyone said that it would be for the best if the two of you separated."

"...Who are 'they'?"

Verrat smiled contemptuously. It had an unsettling quality to it.

"Is this seriously what you think?"

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