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To understand just why Camilla and the others, who had merely set out for a stroll through the streets yet were now looking for a way into the town's underground, there is some explaining to do.

Snow fell silently from the overcast sky that afternoon, as a hymnal song faintly echoed through the town from somewhere in the distance.

The narrow, cobbled streets on the outskirts of town saw little traffic compared to the main boulevards. The walls of the houses looked aged while the shop signs and awnings had faded with time. A manastone lamp flickered in its stand, the glass protecting it broken.

The Lörrich family had eyes all over Blume, but they would have to strain their eyes to see this far. In front of a small and rundown diner in this poorer suburb were Alois, Camilla, Nicole, and Klaus, as well as the four men that accompanied the latter.

"Jeeeeeez! How could you bring my Mistress to such a place!?"

Nicole yelled loudly outside the store, not holding back her complaints.

"Now now, calm down, little girl. There's no need to get so upset."

"Don't call me a little girl!"

Nicole turned angrily on Klaus, but he didn't pay her any mind, continuing to look at the diner with that ever-composed face.

The double doors that led inside lay open, the hinges on both sides having been roughly broken off. There wasn't a single light coming from inside the store, only the meagre illumination from outside dispelling pitch darkness.

The counter propped up opposite to the entrance was covered in a thick layer of dust, whilst the decayed and peeling tables and chairs were pushed haphazardly into the corner, revealing worn floorboards that often gave way to dangerous looking gaps. Behind the counter, there was a door that led back to a kitchen. Right next to the entrance was a second door, that probably led to the owner's residence of sorts.

Klaus, leaving the other three standing outside the entrance, walked inside as if he owned the place. As he began to look around curiously, Camilla glared at Klaus, who seemed to be enjoying himself.

"You look as if you're amused?"

"Having an adventure like this is every boy's dream, y'know?"

"Adventure, hmm...? Are you really a nobleman's son? You really do leave a lot of room for doubt."

Was he carefree or just careless? It was hardly befitting a proper nobleman's son to enter such a dangerous looking place without a proper escort.

"What's more, when it comes to the people of this town... You seem awfully close."

Saying that, Camilla reflected on what had happened when Klaus had guided them through the town.

At first, it was just a straightforward tour, with Klaus earnestly showing Camilla and the others the sights: the main boulevards of Blume, the rows of neat looking shops, and the trees that lined the streets that would be adorned with all sorts of colour flowers once spring bloomed into life.

But of course, the town was still in the depths of winter. The only thing adorning those withered looking trees were sheets of snow, and those streets that would be filled with people in the more amiable months were near deserted.

Yet whenever they did come across anyone, they all seemed to know Klaus without exception, as an acquaintance at very least.

From an eccentrically dressed and spoken scholar with books under his arm to a passionate and motherly woman who spoke with loud mirth. From a group of children to a panhandling old man. They all called out to Klaus and he called back to them like greeting an old friend.

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