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The daughter of Count Storm, Camilla Storm, is a woman who brings ruin.

Not only had she twisted the mind of Duke Montchat, but she had also caused Einst to abandon their principals and now her poison had seeped even into the town of Blume as well.

That villainess' evil words had snaked into the ears of the innocent people of Blume, causing them to riot and engage in all sorts of taboo acts. Because of that despicable woman, Camilla, Mohnton's hallmarked traditions of abstinence and temperance were being eroded.

Those people who were once righteous cast aside their history, drowning in a filthy sea of vice and pleasure. They lost themselves to it so much they could not even see the evil in front of their eyes.

Sometimes people move more readily for the carrot than the stick. The people of Mohnton were beginning to be taken in by Camilla's wicked vice.

These acts couldn't simply be ignored anymore.

If anything, that woman should have never been able to open her mouth in the first place.

In the preparation area that connects the kitchen to the dining room, cupboards were lined up one against the other without a single gap in that semi-subterranean room. Expensive dishes and glasses lined all the shelves and were dazzling to behold. Especially for the younger maids who weren't used to seeing such luxury before their eyes.

Pure white salt and sugar, refined to near perfection, were piled up in bags in the corner of the room. There were containers full of exotic spices, as well as jars filled with various types of honey and jams. The dishes brought up from the kitchen were properly seasoned here before being served to the master of the house, Duke Alois.

The final preparations for Alois' dishes were the jobs of the more senior ranking servants. The job of a newly hired young maid in the preparation area was simply to scurry about and find whichever dish or piece of cutlery the head maid sent her to retrieve.

Right now, she was after a plain, deep dish plate, painted blue. Although it was sturdy and would likely survive a fall, it seemed like a fairly modest thing to grace the table of a noble lord. However, because a skilled painter had been found recently, it had been decided that some of the dishes would be redecorated.

The plate the girl was looking for was one of those allocated to be repainted.

Working slowly, desperate not to break anything, she finally managed to find the dish.

Probably because it hadn't been used in a long time, the dish was on the very highest shelf. It was just barely out of her reach, no matter how much she stretched her fingers.

Standing on her tippy toes, the best she could do was touch the rim of the plate. She couldn't find anything nearby to stand on either.

As she was at a loss about just what to do, someone suddenly reached out from behind her.

As someone brought the plate down from that shelf, she handed it to the girl, who accepted it gratefully.

"Here you are."

As the girl took the plate in her arms, she bowed her head deeply.

"Th... thank you very much."

"It was nothing."

"Fufu..." As she heard a small laugh, the girl finally raised her head to look.

Expecting to see a kind woman's face, the moment she beheld the person who helped her, the girl's breath stuck in her throat. She almost dropped the plate she had just been given.

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