Chapter Six

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  Hello, back with another chapter. The song is Overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent. Pic is Bench Trio height check from one of their IRL streams, by Vita. 

  Also, dude! It hasn't even been a week, and I've got nearly four hundred and fifty views! Tysm!!! Thank you thank you thank you! <3

  Another thing. Since I have gotten nearly the initial week's worth of chapters out, after Chapter Seven, I will not be posting every day. I like to post every day of the very first week because of this. Have you ever found a really good book, but there's only one or two chapters to it? Yeah, it sucks. So I try to get out an initial first couple of chapters in the first week or two before I resume a regular publishing schedule.

  I'll be posting by schedule soon. Again, thank you so so much for reading, stay safe, and please kindly drop a vote or comment. Enjoy reading! 

  Trigger Warning(s): swearing, unsafe binding (as in not taking it off), mentions of racism and transphobia

  *edit* I accidentally put Fundy instead of Floris the first time I published this. My apologies. He's supposed to be Floris.

  Tommy's POV: 

  I sneezed into my elbow. "Bless you," Ry said. I grunted in response. It was that annoying involuntary response to when you walked into bright sunlight. I failed to repress a series of another three sneezes. 

  "Bless you again," Rylan said.

  "Thanks mate," I muttered. 

  The wind snatched at my hood, blowing it off my head. I glared at nothing in particular and pulled it back up. The jacket Mumza and Rylan bought me a week or two ago already was dirty with Coke stains and dirt. There was a hole forming in the elbow of my right sleeve. Was I really that bony? I swear, holes were like a f*cking plague. 

  Toby was staring wide eyed at the new foliage that had been planted along Prime Road and supposedly around the Minecraft Mall as well. It did look nice, especially with the transplanted trees in full bloom. But I was a bit too busy being worried about walking around in open sight, with Ry and Toby at my side. I was terrified that if my parents found out that they were my roommates, something bad would happen to them. 

  "Toms?" Toby asked. "You good?"

  I realized I had taken out my lighter and had begun flicking it open and shut. I forced myself to smile and shoved it into my pocket. "Yeah." 

  Now both of them were looking at me.

  "Guys seriously. I'm fine." 

  Toby gave me a doubtful look, and Ry fidgeted with his sunglasses. He'd been wearing different ones ever since he'd gone home sick, with little golden swirls at the hinges. They seemed older, and more likely to fall apart. I had no idea why he was wearing these instead of his old ones, or if something had happened to his old ones. 

  I pulled a Coke can from my pocket and opened it, hoping to buy time to think of an excuse or something. Sugar helped keep my blood sugar under control and my ADHD down. I took a long sip, then wiped my mouth. 

  "I forgot to take my anxiety pills today," I lied. Toby frowned at me, and Rylan set a hand on my shoulder. 

  "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" he asked. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

  "Because it wasn't that bad until now." Sh*t excuse, but whatever. I had taken my pills today, but I'm pretty sure that anxiety over my little 'situation' canceled that out. 

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