Chapter 16: Crowd Pleaser (II)

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"NO, STOP!"I screeched, guards surrounded me creating a wall that left no cracks.

One of the large man in skirt pulled the whip back, his black coal mask resembled a face with cracks, it held an expression of fear with his wide eyes and open mouth.

He waited for the go ahead from the old man.

"Do you know what he is, girl?"Elder Aetos asked me, he held his hands under his robe, there was satisfaction in his eyes watching me struggle to get out of the grip of the guards.

"No. "Maybe I could keep him busy, distract him from giving the order.

"These are our executioners, you can plead, scream and cry, not a single emotion can penetrate their masks. Watch the witch you conspired with receive her capital punishment. "He was gloating, this man I didn't know, the man I shared blood with.

I'd been in a situation like this when I was young, when I had to explain why I didn't have parents, children could be cruel. Farah had left each of them with at least a scratch.

I remembered sitting in detention with her, smiling from cheek to cheek, grateful she'd silenced them.

Elder Aetos gestured to the executioners, one of the stood stiff as a statue while the one with the whip sent it flying towards my sister's back.

Crack! The first whip was the worst, it brought her back to consciousness, she wailed like a baby, the sound was like a punch to the gut for me.

"No!"Josh shouted, the guards were dragging him out of the arena. He was wincing, he had sustained injuries from apartment 639. "Leo, be careful! Get Gilmore back for us!"

They dragged him out of the gate.

My scream was inaudible, no sound could convey the emotion I felt.

This wasn't part of the plan.

No. This wasn't part of the plan!

Crack! The second tore flesh from her back, it ripped through her clothes, I saw blood drip to the ground. Her emerald eyes were glassy, she shook her head when anger filled me and I pushed one of the guards aside and flung him like a peddle in the street.

Even in her condition she was trying to protect me.

"Do not allow the imposter to pass, "Elder Aetos boomed, guards broke through the gate behind him where Farah had come from. The one that surrounded me unsheathed their swords.

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