Chapter 10: More Than One Enemy

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THERE WERE UNCONSCIOUS GUARDS lined up in the hallway with a few bullets scattered across the floor but neither had any injuries and I could see their chests rising up and down.

There were a vines decorating the ceiling and walls along the corridor, the prison windows were small and rectangular, too small for an human to fit through but big enough that I could see the sky turn to orange outside as the sun set.

The backup lights were deem, we'd be walking in near darkness. I could only make out the vines slithering down the hallway, both my newfound cousins looked like shadows walking unless I moved closer to them.

One of the guards shot up from his sleep momentarily and vine lashed out towards him, it slithered up his neck and rested there where a flower formed and bloomed on the vine, he lost consciousness within a few seconds.

I glanced at Althea with a newfound awareness, she was dangerous. "You did all of this?"

She nodded.

"And they're going to wake up okay? Unharmed?"I asked, gauging her reaction as we followed Maeve down the hallway.

The walls of the prison were made of concrete and dull gray in colour, lifeless like everything else in the prison.

"Yes!"She said hurriedly. "I didn't hurt them, I just put them to sleep, with the gas from the flowers on my vines. It'll feel like dosing off as a little kid and waking up in bed." I always woke up where I dosed off, Aunt Edna couldn't be bothered to move me.

The nervous way she glanced at me, the way she fiddled with the buttons on her poncho, I couldn't imagine her taking on that many guards.

"By your vines you mean you grew them with..."I struggled to get the word out. "Magic?"

She nodded. "In a general sense, yes. "

"Then what are we?"I added.

Maeve stopped in her tracks. "Woah there, I don't know what you do in the made up Simmons family but we do not condone incest. We will not be having any 'what are we' conversations in this family, "she said, in a chipper tone.

I stared at her blankly before grabbing Althea's hand. "Let's ignore the clown for a second. "I turned my back to Maeve, I heard her chuckle in response.

Althea smiled brightly as she watched the exchange. "Okay. Our family are, in simple terms, hunters, Netherhunters if you want to be specific. We hunt every creature that comes from the netherworld. This will come as a shock to you, there's a city below our own called the Nether world, a city of monsters but the monsters there rarely make their way up because they are afraid, of us. "

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