Chapter 15: Crowd Pleaser (I)

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AETOS MANOR HAD A STADIUM. A cream circular stadium that had rows on rows of seats, seats that were filled to the brim with people dressed in multicolour robes in spite of the blazing sun above them.

It looked like something right out of a novel. I definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore, none of the people in the crowd looked like they'd stepped a foot in the city, that veil must've been very thick, none of them found what was happening to be abhorrent.

This was the norm for them. Raised to follow my family blindly.

The stadium had no grass, just desert sand and a glass dome that separated the spectators from the people within the stadium grounds. All the rows were filled except the two closest rows to the glass dome where seven rows of large gray stone chairs stood with different flags draped on them, I recognised the Aetos, Caldwell and Beaumont flags, the other four were new, hardly seen in the manor.

In the middle of the stadium stood a circular platform made from the sand with stairs all around, in the middle of the platform stood a guillotine, I recognised it from medieval movies.

Not one person batted an eye seeing the medieval murder machine.

Officer West, Josh and I hid in one of the many gates that led into the stadium. Maeve had led us down a passageway to this very gate that had been closed off from the public's eyes, her expression was stoic as we walked down the unstable pathway into a small room, we could see the stadium through the holes on the metal gate. She had disappeared right after.

"Leo?"I looked at Josh, he was still dressed in the clothes from the infirmary. "You're shaking, are you sure you're healed enough for this?"

I almost scoffed. Healed? I wasn't tender in my joints, in my arm and legs, I was tender on the inside.

I was shaking and it wasn't out of fear, the more I thought about the fact that they were going to publicly whip and execute an innocent person just because of what they were the more rage burned inside me, even after the laws and rules that governed the Netherhunters were briefly explained to me, the thought of it made me sick.

'Monsters' as they called them were less than humans, less than the flies that infected their food, they'd treat a sewer rat better than they'd treat any 'monster'.

"I'm fine, Jay. "I paused, "Are you okay? I haven't asked how you're taking all of this. I guess, not good but y'know, "I waved my arms around, I wasn't even sure what I was referring to.

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