Chapter 8: The Picture of Rosalia Reyes

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THE CLANK OF METAL filled the room as I placed my hands on the table, I was used to the weight of the stares, the ones behind the one way mirror did not phase me.

There was a woman in front of me. Placed to soften me up, to extract information.

She was... unreal. Her skin was the night sky personified, a near perfect contrast to her kinky hair the colour of clouds, I couldn't tell from her roots whether she had premature graying or if she kept up with her bleaching appointments. Her eyes were her most eerie feature, there was no pupil in either, they were milky white circles that looked like two moons.

Is she blind? The way she followed my movements said otherwise. Are they... fake?

The second most defining feature on her face was the two deep scars that ran across her eye, they were raised up, I could tell they had healed poorly

Two guards walked in behind her. One of them threw a warning glance at her, “We told your people no funny business, this is our jurisdiction. We are giving you five minutes.”

“Five is all I need. ”She rolled her eyes and scoffed when they stood up straighter. “Relax. Can't do anything with these on, can I?”She put up her hands and my frown deepened, handcuffs? He didn't answer, neither did the other one. “Can I?”she repeated, she looked like she was challenging them to answer her question.

One guard hesitated. “I guess not. ”He frowned, unsure. Who is she? The guards left the room and she turned to me with a glint in her eyes.

She sat down – or rather threw herself against on the chair, she was dressed in loose white jeans and a cream sweater. “Hi there, come here often? Not the best meeting place I'd say, definitely one star, the interior could use some redecorating...”she began rambling.

I blinked at her

I met her eyes, something inside me shrinked back in fear and she smirked. “Are you listening, Lee?” Something glistened in her eyes when my eyes widened at the nickname.

Most people shortened it to 'Leo' not 'Lee', only Farah called me 'Lee'.

I glared at her which made her chuckle. She picked up the thick folder on the table. Why is she allowed to do that? “Woo, interesting. It says here you were a home birth? No doctors to verify your existence?Mother died at childbirth with no father listed, damn that sucks. What was her name?”

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