Chapter 9: Friend Or Foe?

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MY MIND WAS IN A HAZE as the remnants of the liquid in the vial dissipated, I spat the shards of glass on the table, they were coated in blood from slicing up the inside of my mouth.

Bang. Bang. Bang!

The girl in front of me watched me with quiet curiousity. A smile slowly grew on her face, she quirked her head to the side. “Asking you what this is might take away the mystery, try not to choke on your own blood, it's not a good look for me. ”

My head was spinning, I watched her stand up from her chair and casually beginning stretching with her hands above her head before she put her foot up on the chair and retied her shoelaces, as if the threat outside wasn't imminent. Her eyes never left mine.

Bang! Ban...

The gunfire ceased, quickly I pulled the hairpin out of my hair, using my teeth I moulded it into the shape I wanted and began picking the lock on the handcuffs. “That's my cue, wanna see a magic trick?”The girl asked, she blew into her handcuffs and in a blink she snapped them in half as if they were brittle beforehand. My mouth fell open, click, my handcuffs and the hair pin fell onto my lap.

She grinned. “Is this an inappropriate time to say jinx?

I rubbed my wrists. “You care about appropriate times?”

She chuckled and shrugged. I heard the sound of keys jingling behind the door to the interrogation room, there was no tension in her shoulder as she sat up on the table with her back turned towards me.

Unease crept up on me. Friend or foe? Friend or foe? Friend or foe? The question was tossed around back and forth in my brain. Can I trust her? Is she with the assassin? Is she like... Josh? Is she being controlled by him?

The door creaked open, I grabbed the largest bloody shard on the table ready to defend myself but what stepped through the door didn't look like an assassin.

It was a girl who was by no means short but looked small, her posture was guarded and she was dressed in a pale green poncho and a cream flared skirt. Her wavy wheat coloured hair kissed her shoulders, her olive skin had orange freckles scattered across her nose, they reminded me of Farah. Her wide chatreause eyes met mine widened even more into saucers. “Mae-Maeve?”she called out.

I had the girl with the hair like snow in a chokehold with one arm and the glass shard pressed against her neck, when she called her name out I pressed the glass shard deep enough to draw blood. “I don't know much about monsters but she bleeds, I'm willing to bet slicing her neck will bring enough blood to stall while I get out of here, maybe it'll even get rid of her for good, ”I said, glaring at the girl.

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