Chapter 4: Marked by Death

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I GRABBED HER, on instinct my hands were on her bleeding wrists, she cried out in pain and the knife felt out of her grasp. Her eyes met mine, I could see it, feel it, the hatred burned in her eyes like a forest fire, devouring everything in its path.

"Jeevika?"I called out to her, hoping it would lessen her anger but the more she looked at me, the brighter it burned. She struggled to pull away but I held a firm grip. "You're hurting yourself. "

"Let her go, "Farah said, walking behind her, I complied and she grabbed her by the wrist and pulled a scarf out of her bag, with the scarf she bound Jeevika's wrists, she winced as Farah tightened it.

"Not too tight, you're hurting her, "I commented, when she winced my heart tightened.

"Hurting her?"Farah echoed. "She just tried to stab you. "

"I barged in here, for all she knew I could've been an intruder or something, "I argued watching Farah pull her to the ground, she knelt with her hands bound behind her back

"She was kneeling on the floor, in a dark room, in front of a mirror with her wrists bleeding, for all we know she might still stab you for the fun of it. She needs restraints, tight ones. "

I would've thought Jeevika would glare at her, show some indication that she was in the room with us but her eyes remained solely on me like she was studying the edges of my face, committing them to memory. I couldn't help but stare, seeing her there, covered in blood looked like a scene out of a nightmare - my nightmare.

Except she was real, she was right out of hands reach but not his hands, no, I'd found her first and I could accept that small comfort.

"Oh? Is that what we do to crazy people? Restrain them?"I asked, glaring at Farah, I hadn't forgotten she had lied to me, pretended like she hadn't seen the resemblance in my sketches.

She glanced at me. "If need be, for their own good. "

Her reply stung.

Farah knelt down in front of her, blocking me from Jeevika's seething eyes. "Hey, we're friends of Josh, okay?"she began in a soft tone, like she was talking to an infant. "We're here to see him, can you tell us where he is?"

I inched closer, goosebumps rose on my skin when I stood in front of the view. There were no words from Jeevika, no indication that she could hear her.

"What about Ivaan? Is Ivaan here?"Farah asked, this time a bit louder. I frowned, Ivaan? There were no family pictures on the walls, no mementos, apart from the bloodied living room the apartment looked bare, like a place to rent.

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