A Lifetime / Chapter 2

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The car arrived right on time. The driver knocked on the door softly and stepped back as she approached. As she opened the door, his smile grew as he held out a bouquet of white roses to her.

"How nice, thank you!" she said surprised.

"My pleasure. Kyle is already at the restaurant. He wanted to make sure that everything was ready and that you wouldn't have to wait. I'll be in the car. Come when you're ready," the driver said with a formal nod of his head towards her.

As the car slowed to a stop in front of the restaurant, she could feel her heart racing as she grew increasingly nervous. She didn't need the money as badly as a year ago, but she always thought about her children when a job presented itself. She wasn't about to turn something lucrative down, but she still didn't like the feeling of blindly walking into a job interview, underqualified and unprepared.

As she was escorted through the restaurant, she rounded a corner to find a large area completely empty.

It was a very private setting. The remainder of the restaurant was packed with people and more waiting outside, so she felt a tinge of guilt for having such a space reserved for only the two of them.

A lone gentleman, across the room, quickly stood, pushing his chair from the intimate table, when she entered. A huge smile took over his face. She almost felt like a joke had been played on her. Like she really knew this man. He seemed overly pleased to see her. "Or maybe he's just that nice," she thought to herself. Accusing herself of overthinking things as usual.

"It is so nice to finally meet you," Kyle said, smiling ear to ear.

"I apologize for my reluctance before. I'm just at a disadvantage. You know more about me than I do about you," she confessed frankly.

"Well, that's what I'm here for. I will clear up anything that you need to know. I will actually be the one to work with you to get this project done and I'm really looking forward to it," he continued with his excitement.

"Well, if you're always this kind, it will be my pleasure as well," she said smiling back at him.

He made a sudden move, as though poked, and rushed around the table to pull out her chair.

"Thank you," she said as she took her seat, glancing up to deliver a smile of appreciation towards Kyle. She realized as he had approached her, and now towered over her, that he was just as tall, if not taller than Oliver. He also had a gentleness about his face. It was soft and youthful as though he were much younger than she thought him to be. It was evident that he, like Oliver, worked inside and cared greatly about his refined appearance. He was distinguishably tailored. Very handsome as well. And yet, she found herself not distracted by his handsome features. Except for perhaps the smile. He had a captivating smile.

The dinner was beyond anything she had eaten before. Kyle ordered things he said he thought they'd both like to try after she modestly ordered a piece of Salmon. As one entrée after another arrived, he held it out to her, insisting that she try it. He was excited to share a discovery of foods and charming in his careful design of the evening. Every moment of the evening was so easy with him that she would've sworn it was rehearsed. He was witty and the two easily laughed while they ate. All of the food had arrived, and all had already been sampled by the time he ever brought up the conversation of business. He seemed to be waiting to allow her to soak in the positive air of the evening. He was building the evening to a crescendo before finally changing the mood to something closer to a professional conference. He had politely avoided that for most of the night. When he finally began to talk business, he did so in-depth, explaining the company's vision and began to explain why she was the perfect fit. He reassured her that the owner trusted her.

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