A Lifetime / Chapter 4 - Part 4 of 4

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Kat suddenly realized that a bright light was on the other side of her eyelids. She squinted as she tried to open them. Over and over, with more difficulty.

"Hey," her mom said.

"Mom," she pouted, "you've got to quit staying here every waking moment. You have things to do. You have to feed Dad," she teased."

Her mom laughed, patting her hand.

"In all seriousness, I'll probably need you more at home. Just to get settled. So go home for now."

"Well, I would but I came early because the nurse called to say that you may be released today and of course I'm here to drive you home," she declared.

"Really?" Kat cheered. The grogginess of sleep quickly dissipating as she heard the exciting news. "Did they say when?"

"Just that we'll know more when the doctor makes his rounds."


She planned her words, trying to make sure that she didn't seem insensitive or ungrateful, "Would you mind calling anyone who might visit, and tell them there's no need today. That I'm going home anyway...and really, it could be any minute."

Whether her mom detected the hidden meaning or not, she only responded, "Sure I will."

Kat called her children and her mom called family and Brett to share the news.

Breakfast came and her mom snacked on food that she had brought from home. The doctor arrived shortly after and with much discussion he agreed she could go home as soon as her paperwork was complete.

"This is my card. It has all my office information. We have you scheduled for next week for a follow-up," he explained, handing it to her. "So, keep off the leg, and change the bandages as instructed. Don't worry. You don't have to remember everything. It will all be in your discharge paperwork."

"Sounds good."

So, the agreement was 1 pm. She only had three more hours to go.

Paula made more calls from the room. This time with specifics to everyone.

As she drove her daughter home, Kat called Kyle to say she was on her way home. Paula noticed that Kat seemed fond of Kyle. She had to admit he was a pleasant sort of man and they had a lot in common. Much like she and Oliver. From what she overheard, Kyle was coming to see them when they got home.

Two tall teenagers were walking towards their grandmother's car while it was still pulling into the driveway.

Josh immediately went to his mother's door. He was a tall young man. At least six feet tall. He was dark-headed and strong. He had a face that resembled Clark Kent. Kind but powerful.

Sophie matched her brother in strength and confidence but had a fairy-type quality about her. It was as though she belonged somewhere more special than this earth. Somewhere better with more of her kindness and laughter. She embodied a glow that was infectious. Her smile was engulfing as she walked with her brother towards their mother.

Both Josh and Sophie were leaning into the car, hugging their mom. Neither could wait long enough to open the door and let her get out first.

Chance and Kyle were walking across the yard towards the car as it arrived. The two of them visited the hospital every day but tried to be respectful and leave if family or other friends arrived. Perhaps that's why Kat felt some obligation to keep them updated. She would be working for them soon after all. As the group began heading inside, Paula waved to them, "Come on in."

Brett was holding the door open as Josh helped his mother inside. The others followed.

"Brett," Chance greeted politely.

"Chance," Brett responded. He didn't look happy to see him.

Neither man had seen the other in years and by the look on their faces, they hadn't expected to here, either.

Katherine was tired. It was evident in her efforts to get to her couch on her crutches. Her weakened state made her hobbling unstable. She insisted that she was alright and not in much pain as questions began to come at her from all sides.

Everyone gathered in the living room and talked for about an hour before Sophie insisted that her mom get some overdue rest.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes and giving instructions for the next day.

Josh was now the man of the house and as such he was already coming to his mother's aid. He walked his mom to the stairs and softly picked her up and began walking the steps with ease.

Chance watched and felt gratitude towards this young man. He was taking such delicate care of his mother. Chance had been watching and listening. Learning so many things about this family over the last few days. He hadn't been impressed with them just because they were her children. He didn't have children of his own, but as he grew older, he often looked around and was disappointed by this next generation. It seemed as though kindness, unselfishness, and even manners were extinct. It was disheartening. But not her children. There was something different about them. Old manners. Like from another period of time. Another century even. He supposed that's what happens when a close family spends time together. The generations of manners...of teachings are shared. Her children had been taught by a family. That was rare...and beautiful to see. He was in awe.

"Is he okay up here?" Josh asked when the 110-pound German Shephard jumped onto the bed with childlike excitement.

"Of course, he is! Isn't that right buddy," she said to her furry friend as he showed his comfort in having his human mom back home. He plopped down beside of her like a ragdoll and dug his head into her side.

"I know, I missed you too," she spoke lovingly to Grizzly.

Her son just stood over his mom for a moment. Staring down at her he said, "Can you try not to do anything heroic again for a while?"

He gave her an eye roll with a smirk to express his humor now, but only because she was okay.

"We were really scared, Mom," Sophie added, walking into the room. She had been listening from the hall.

"I can only imagine guys. I am so sorry. But look...I'm okay. We're okay."

She was smiling, looking back and forth between them as they came to her side for a reassuring hug. They both held her long enough to feel the fear, that had consumed them earlier, slowly dissipate. She kissed them both on the cheek.

"Get some sleep."


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