A Lifetime / Chapter 11

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Kota insisted that Chance and Kat stay at his house until further arrangements could be made.

Chance listened as Kota's chief of security was briefing him on today's attack. There had been other threats, all monitored, but nothing out of the ordinary for a wealthy businessman of this magnitude.

From what Chance overheard, today's attack was from outside of the country. The government was working with Kota's security team now.

They determined that the bathroom that both Kat and Akari were in had been destroyed with gunfire.

"If Kat hadn't run with her, they'd both be dead."

"We don't have to tell them that right now. It's a lot to handle," Chance urged.

"Yes, I agree," Kota said sternly.

Chance held Kat even tighter.

They soon landed on a helipad in front of a large home. A mansion of at least twenty thousand square feet.

Security approached the group with urgent speed.

All were led quickly into the house.

Kota began giving orders to prepare a room for his guests when Chance explained that two rooms would be more appropriate.

Kota had naturally assumed they were a couple and apologized.

"We have been friends for many years," Chance explained.

Kota just nodded his head with understanding.

"Anything you need, just ask. Anything at all."

Chance carried Kat to her room while being led by a housekeeper. When the hallway appeared, his heart sank at knowing that in seconds, he would no longer be holding her.

Kota had the hotel forward their things on another helicopter. Their things nearly arrived at the same time as they had to Kota's home.

Chance laid Kat on a dark mahogany four-post bed and sat on the side looking down at her. He started to take her shoes off softly when she awoke.

"Where are we?" she asked softly.

"Kota's home. You fell asleep on the way over here, so I was taking off your shoes to let you sleep."

"Have you eaten? I'm hungry," she said, looking up at him with an urgency on her face.

"Low blood sugar," she added, as a matter of fact, to further explain.

"Poor thing. I didn't know. I can bring something up."

"I think I'd like to walk. Do you feel like eating? With me?"

"Of course I do."

He held out his hand and helped her as she started to stand out of the bed. She held it and noticed that heat began to fill her cheeks.

She looked down quickly.


"Yeah, just a second."

She slipped back on the one shoe that he had already taken off for her and he again reached for her hand.

"There are a lot of stairs," he said as if to explain his assistance.

As they began down the stairs, Akari bolted from a seat in the foyer to run up the stairs to meet them. She had been laying on a bench. Resting. Waiting for her guests to move.

She grabbed onto Kat's hand, so excited to see her up and coming downstairs.

"Hi," she said in a loving manner to her friend.

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