A Lifetime / Chapter 5 - Part 2

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She started to laugh as both men looked at one another confused.

"I was trying to leave this stupid couch when I fell," she explained, still laughing.

"What were you trying to do?" Chance asked trying to hide his laughter as well. The smile grew on his face as she continued to laugh.

"I was trying to get something to eat," her laughter grew, "but when I stood, my leg was throbbing, so I glanced up towards the cabinet to get my pain meds first. I don't know if I lost my balance or if my crutches hit something because the next thing I knew..." her laughter slowed a little, "well, you know the rest," she said with a pout.

"Food and meds. Got it," Chance said as Kyle began walking towards the kitchen with him.

Kyle found the prescription as Chance was standing in front of the open fridge. "Looks like your mom left some meatloaf."

"Oh yes. That sounds perfect."

"There's some vegetables in here. Want that too."

"Sure, just not too much for now."

He began scooping out food onto a plate and walked over to the microwave as Kyle was reading the label of her pain medicine.

"Do you want the full dosage? It says you can take up to two. Not on an empty stomach."

"I think I should take a full dose."

"I agree," he smiled pitifully at her.

Kat ate quickly as she felt like she had an audience. She pled with them to eat but they refused, promising that they had eaten just before.

After she ate, Kyle began to open her bottle and she watched him curiously. Had he been waiting to spring into action? His attentiveness was charming.

He handed her the pills while immediately handing her a cup that wasn't as close as he thought it should be.

"Thanks," she looked up at him.

Chance was turned, rubbing the plush fur on Grizzly as he asked, "Can I let him out for you?"

"Um. That would be great actually. He hasn't been out since everyone left a few hours ago."

He only nodded and called Grizzly by name as he held the back door open for him. The two disappeared into the yard.

"I feel awful."

"There's no reason to."

"Well, I've thrown a wrench into things. And now look. You're here babysitting me."

Kyle laughed in such a gentle way that there was no mistaking it. Being here was his choice and not a bother in the slightest.

"You're anything but a baby Kat. But I'd say after what's happened, that was of no fault of your own, helping you is an honor. Not an inconvenience of any kind."

She began to think to herself and as she often did, sorting thoughts and details by saying them aloud, "Well, I'm just sitting here. I can type. If I get tired, I can rest. We could go ahead and start and avoid getting behind."

As the thoughts were completed, she knew she had a plan and looked towards Kyle for agreement. "No. In a few days, we'll talk about it. There's plenty of time."

She shook her head, "I would feel better if I worked rather than having you babysit me for free," she laughed.

Chance had told Kyle that she wasn't dissuaded easily when her mind was set to something, so all he said was, "Chance won't go for it."

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