A Lifetime / Chapter 4 - Part 3 of 4

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"He's been here every day while not at work."

"Really? Poor thing."

"He has stayed close to the kids. Just kind of making sure if they needed anything while we were waiting or listening to the doctors. He has run errands for them if he even thought that they needed something. He's brought us all food here, countless times. Very thoughtful."

"He is," she softly agreed.

She could feel the other set of eyes on her and remembered that they weren't alone. She didn't feel much like discussing Brett around Chance any longer, so she changed the subject.

Kat's expression looked worried again suddenly, "Has anyone called Oliver?"

"Yes. Josh called him first thing. He's called several times for updates. He insisted on flying here at once, but when Josh explained how you've been resting so well, he agreed he'd wait for you to get home before he jumped on a plane."

Chance remained still while listening to the conversation. There were so many people that he no longer knew anything about. Embedded in her life.

Kat began to look around, "Do you know where my phone is?"

Her mom dug the phone from the outer pocket of her purse. "Sophie brought it from the house."

Chance watched her mom. She wasn't leaving to allow the call any privacy, so he stayed seated where he was also.

"Hey!" Her voice was so full of excitement for a change. "Yes, I'm fine."

A deep male voice could be heard, but it wasn't audible.

"Really, I promise," she continued.

Chance felt slightly awkward over the excitement in her voice with Oliver. The tenderness she shared sounded very familiar to him...because it once belonged to him. The memory hit him deep. He hadn't felt that pain in a really long time.

"That's what Mom told me," she continued.

Chance tried to ignore his voice after hearing its depth as he spoke to her.

"I'm not sure. So much has happened so fast. My head is still spinning, to be honest."

She accidentally glanced towards Chance.

He was looking at her too.

She quickly looked away.

The inaudible exchange continued as Oliver's contribution to the conversation was only heard by Kat, "Yes, she's going to be okay...I know right...I miss you too...I'm sorry that you were worried. I should've called before now but pretty sure I've been sleeping this entire time so you will just have to forgive me."

She laughed a lot as Chance listened to the one-sided conversation. Her smile was huge as she listened to the voice on the other side of the call.

"Yes, some contract work. A few weeks. Yes, I'll try to decide which one to move forward with first. Quit laughing. It's hard to decide. You could help me decide."

There was a pause and change of expression as Kat listened to Oliver's pleading.

"No! Don't you dare come. I'm fine. I'll see you when I'm about ½ way done. I'll keep you posted."

"That's fine, I'll call you every day."

"Yes, it's just a cut." She snickered as he apparently corrected her.

"Miss you too"

"Okay, bye."

"Thanks, Mom. He's better now."

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