A Lifetime / Chapter 7 - Part 2

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"How was the flight?" Chance smiled as he took her luggage from her hand effortlessly and began walking beside her.

"It was good. How's work. Are you busy?"

"I took today off."

Kyle gasped.

"Don't even start."

"I'm not. You just never take time off. About time," he teased.

Her pace was a little slower than usual and she noticed that Chance adjusted his walk to match hers often. If he noticed that he was walking too fast, he glanced her way and slowed down again.

"The car's over here," he said as they exited the terminal.

A black SUV was parked by the curb and the driver began to get out as they approached.

"It's okay. Just open the back please," Chance said.

The driver got back into the driver's seat and the rear hatch opened as Kyle and Chance placed the luggage back there.

"Where to first?"

She gave him a puzzled look, "Oh! I have no idea."

Kyle chimed in saying that he needed to check on things at his apartment and asked if it was alright to just be dropped off there since Chance had the day off.

"Sure, of course."

"But if you need me, I can come."

"No, we're good. You take care of home," Chance insisted.

Kat glanced at a look that the two men exchanged. As always, she had no idea what it meant. But if she wasn't mistaken, they knew full well.

The driver pulled to the curb long enough to drop Kyle off at an elegant all brick, fifteen-story, apartment building. She saw a doorman open the door for Kyle and he waved back to them.

"So, do you want to go to the hotel first, maybe drop off your things, freshen up a bit? I took the next two days off to guide you around. I would hate for you to not have the full New York experience," he teased.

"You mean like getting lost?" she laughed. Lost would be an understatement if she had to do this alone.

"How about we'll plan a few New York things, but not getting lost. That I can promise."

"Sounds perfect."

She was updating him on the time of the interview that next morning at 9 am. That allowed all today to sightsee as well as most of tomorrow.

The driver took them to her hotel and parked on the street again.

Chance came to the room with her when she asked. She only wanted to have a few minutes to freshen up and maybe take inventory of the clothing that she was being forced to wear tomorrow. She didn't know the hotel and felt more comfortable with Chance's company.

When she opened the door to the hotel room, she gasped and had to smother a squeal. Chance began laughing with her. Her excitement was contagious.

The most beautiful clothing she had ever seen was draped across the couch. Her favorite flowers, white roses, were on a table near the door, the biggest basket of fruit and chocolates, and another basket full of memorabilia from the Live from New York show. She was running her fingers across the items, savoring the fun of it all, as he watched her intently.

"This is too much. I just can't believe it," she stood staring at the objects before her.

"Well, it seems you've caught the interest of a lot of people. I think they are trying to spoil you a bit."

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