A lifetime / Chapter 7 - Part 1

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The next morning, the mailman knocked on her door. Oliver went to the door, and she heard the friendly voice of Sam say, "You're a celebrity" through the door to Kat with a smile.

Oliver handed the newspaper to Kyle who was studying it as he walked towards Kat and Chance. The front page was a picture of Kat smiling up towards Chance, who had that look!

Her heart fell to her stomach. First, that she was on the front page. Second, the look that had haunted her was there on the front page too.

"Why so serious?" Kyle poked fun at Chance. Kat held her breath again, hoping for an answer.

"That's my thinking face, I suppose," he replied, playing it off.

This could be her only chance to ask. She was trying to decide how when it slipped right out, "What were you thinking so seriously about. I'm smiling with you. I guess we know who had more fun." She tried to make light of it but hoped it might draw out some explanation.

"Stop it, you two," he laughed. He was clearly not being baited for an answer.

She was not going to get any explanation today. He had made that point clear. But that made her that much more curious.

"Ugh!" she thought. But on the outside, she hid her frustration well.

But not to Oliver.

Over the next few days, Chance became scarce with urgent work conference calls. Brett came by only twice to drop in and seemed agitated with Kyle and Oliver, so he didn't stay very long. Oliver did most of his work from the spare bedroom as was typical of how he worked any time he came in to visit. So, Kat and Kyle found a lot of time to work together. There were also a lot of breaks with Oliver sitting at the bar while the house filled with laughter. Kat was having the time of her life. As usual, Oliver came in and made her world better.

Then Chance received a call while the four were having lunch on the fifth day and was needed urgently back in New York. He said his goodbyes. And just like that, he was gone again. The thought, "gone again" was echoing in her head as his car left the driveway.

Kyle and Oliver watched Kat...watch the street.

But the truth was, it was less distracting this way. Almost welcomed. Almost.

She loved working with Kyle. He was so smart and kind. He reminded her of Oliver in so many ways. Full of energy. Beaming with optimism. They were both so infectious.

Kyle was also enthusiastic about her way of describing his thoughts and direction. They were a great team. The days passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was almost complete.

Oliver had returned to New York and Kyle was helping Kat fix sandwiches in the kitchen when the phone rang.

"This is she." she began as Kyle listened. He could tell she was excited by the ear-to-ear grin.

She looked at him as she hung up the phone, "I'm really going to New York."

Kyle was so excited for her as she explained that Live in New York had called back to make arrangements for the live interview. She was giddy and nervous but as Kyle quickly called Chance to let him know, she became even more excited.

The plan was to wrap up the work in the next few days, then Kyle would accompany Kat to New York. Chance would meet them at the airport, and they would be her tour guide during the interview and overnight stay in the Big Apple. The very Big Apple that she had never been to before.

Kyle kept reassuring her, over their last few days of work together. She was feeling naturally nervous about the interview. It felt a bit foolish to have such a big deal made of all of this. The video of her saving the girl had been viewed by millions and it was all the talk. The hero writer. Her name was everywhere, and everyone wanted to know something, anything about her. It was ridiculous in her opinion.

Oliver called and helped prep Kat for her interviews. He was more than her literary agent and best friend he was her public relations rep and stylist. He couldn't help that he was a man of many talents. He shared those same talents with those he loved. He would help her prepare in a way that she knew she wasn't capable of alone.

Besides, he was from New York, not a small town like she was. And that was the excuse she used when Brett had asked to accompany her. The last thing she wanted was more awkwardness of Brett looking at the other men like they were intrusive. That was honestly starting to bother her. She had been thinking a lot about how to handle it. But she wasn't going to fix that overnight, so she just had to make sure that Brett didn't come.

"Oliver and Kyle are from there. I'll have more help than I need," she said.

"So, Chance will be there too?"

"I didn't say that," she replied looking less than happy with the suggestion.

"I know you didn't. I just wondered if he was going to be."

"I can't speak for Chance, Brett. I'm flying with Kyle to meet up with Oliver for help. I'm doing an interview which everyone seems to think will be great for my career, so I could use their expertise."

She knew that wasn't the entire truth. Chance had already made plans to be there, but she didn't exactly lie. She avoided a direct answer because she just wasn't happy with the inquisition.

"Oh. I know. I just want to make sure you're okay."

She began to feel uncomfortable, for maybe the first time with him. He had never been so pushy or argumentative. He had always treated her like she was her own woman, and suddenly he was questioning her decisions. Which she felt like she had made it clear that this decision was concrete...and only hers to make.

She didn't want to be rude, but she began to get frustrated, "I made these plans with my literary agent. Kyle is flying back with me because we finished the job. That's all there is to it. Thanks, but I'm fine with how I've made my plans."

She had no idea if he wanted to say more, just that he didn't.

Kat made the arrangements with a house sitter and she and Kyle were off.

When they arrived at the airport, Kat felt a bit of apprehension for leaving her crutches behind. The doctor had told her to keep weight off the leg for 2 weeks. That was past but as she looked out of the terminal window, the city was intimidating. Her walks around the house were minimal. She hoped this wouldn't cause the pain to return.

It was cold in New York. The wind was blistery, especially for a Carolina girl. Oliver had a personal shopper send her outfits to her hotel, so she packed just the necessities. Only one bag to roll around the city before she discovered if this personal shopper would make her feel ridiculous in outfits that she hadn't seen yet. Would she have to sacrifice warmth for style? She trusted Oliver. She just didn't know this friend of his. She really hoped the clothes weren't a disaster. She did pack two of her own outfits and two coats, just in case.

She and Kyle were nearing the top of the concourse, talking of places that he insisted she sees when Chance came into view. His smile grew as he noticed them approaching.

Kyle pretended not to notice, but Kat laughed as a few women turned their heads, looking at the man ahead of her. His suit was tailored to fit him perfectly. It accentuated his toned arms and chest.

But he was only looking at Kat.


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