Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Is this the city?

Wade cracked his eyes open, trying to peer through the rushing wind and darkness. Aurum's expectant energy flooded through their bond, prickling at the back of his mind. Wade squinted at the ground, which was washed in a dull gray from the moonlight. Shadows pooled between the vague shapes of trees and hills, making it nearly impossible to see anything. He could just pick Caeli's form out in the air beside them. The dragon's scales reflected the moon and stars, little silver pricks against a backdrop of deepest blue. Her flying was clearly strained, the beat of her wings uneven.

Not below us, Aurum chided, pulling Wade's attention from the sorry condition of their group. Look further ahead. Is that the city?

Dragging his gaze across the ground, Wade spotted a few glimmers of light resting at the edge of the horizon. From such a distance size was deceptive, but he could tell that they spread across a long, massive stretch of land. He squeezed his eyes shut, tucking his face into his arm as he tried to remember the last town they passed. I think so, yes. Crisea...

Aurum tipped to the side, swinging his head around to scan the layout of the area. Wade tensed as his body shifted forward, but the series of knots and ropes he and Serafina had rigged in place of saddles held firm. He still couldn't bring himself to relax, though.

Which was probably why he couldn't fall asleep, even though they were so deep into the night it was probably morning.

Sighing, Wade tightened his grip on Aurum. How far behind them are we?

...Only a little less than two days, still. They sped up once they hit flatter ground, and with us having to avoid the towns...

I understand. Wade glanced up at those distant lights, dread seeping through him. I just hope... skies, Aurum, what are they going to do to him? What have they already done?

I don't know. Aurum shook his head, weaving sharply to the side with the motion. But he is alive: I know it. We need a plan.

Wade thought for a long moment. Your bond with him—can you contact him at all?

Rivas severed it. Although... Aurum fell quiet, his thoughts withdrawing. Asher somehow reformed it. I haven't sensed him since... since he lost consciousness, but I could try.

Since he what?

Aurum ducked his head, guilt and sadness rushing through his thoughts. I was trying to stay close to him, but he couldn't sense me. They forced him to drink something, and he fell asleep. He was in much pain.

Heat flooded through Wade's veins, and he felt himself start to shake. Asher. His friend, who would help Wade with his chores when he didn't have to. Who would sit on his bed, book open on his lap, and talk with Wade far into the night. They should not be able to get away with this.

But they do, because your king allows it. I do not understand why all the power of your world rests in the hands of one man.

Wade tensed. I don't care. I just want to save Asher.

Maybe something needs to change, Aurum said with a sort of mental shrug, his mind drifting. But ideals do not matter. We're going to get Asher back, and if we can make your king and his followers pay for what they've done along the way, all the better.

Wade nodded, his attention drifting to the weight of his sword at his belt. His anger grew worse, throbbing in his temples. They will. Maybe not today, or for another decade but they will. I'll make sure of it.

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