We're Getting Married

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Holy shit! I'm getting married. I'm getting married!

I rolled over in my bed seeing Flo still sleeping peacefully. Her blonde hair a mess some covering her face. I smile remembering last night and the celebration that had gone on. Not much talking was involved like at all. It was a very fun night, morning, and afternoon. We haven't left the bed since like 1pm yesterday.

Flo grumbles moving to roll so she was facing me. "Don't leave." She whispers her voice scratchy. Probably from all the screaming that went on. "I need to use the bathroom my love." I press a soft kiss to her nose before getting out of bed to head to the bathroom. I hear her roll out of bed to follow me. I roll my eyes looking at her weird when she leans against the doorframe.

"You realize I need to pee right?" I ask looking at her raising my eyebrows. She shrugs, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. "You should probably take the dog out. We've been in here since 1. Billie is probably ready to explode."

Her eyes widen slightly before rushing out, she grabs her robe before heading down the stairs to take our dog out.

I hear someone start laughing loudly. Tobin! I forgot that I gave her a key.

I quickly rush grabbing my own robe throwing it on before making my way down stairs. "Tobin stop laughing at my fiancée." I state slapping the back of her head.

"Ow! What the hell Rushman?" She turns to glare at me rubbing the back of her head. "Wait? What did you just say?"

"Oh yeah. Flo proposed yesterday. We've just been caught up celebrating to tell anyone." I shrug looking at Tobin. "I'm so happy for you. At least you stopped having fears and just lived in the moment."

I nod softly as Tobin pulls me into a hug to congratulate me. "You left your dog downstairs while celebrating... Flo took Billie out and she basically exploded when her paws met the grass. Next time you go on an afternoon to morning of fun, you make sure your dog is good too." She teases me pushing my shoulder gently.

"Right, like why we upstairs having the time of our lives the thing that crossed our minds was, 'Billie!' Because that's what I wanted Flo to be thinking about while she's screaming my name in ecstasy." I deadpan looking straight at Tobin.

Tobin scrunches her face in disgust. "Girl, I did not need to know that."

I hear Flo lets out a holler of a laugh from the backyard. "You opened the conversation dingus." She points out to Tobin. She comes back in leaving the back door open slightly for when Billie wanted to come back in.

"And now I regret bringing up the conversation." Tobin shudders with a gag.

"Oh you're just upset that you got no lady loving last night." Flo teases heading off to the kitchen to grab two bottles of water.

Tobin's face starts to turn a bright shade of red. Christen comes out of the downstairs bathroom. "What the heck did I miss? And why aren't you two wearing real clothes?" She looks between Flo and I when the other girl comes back handing me the water.

I quickly open it chugging the whole thing down. Again, lots of rounds the other night, need to rehydrate.

"Slow your roll on the water Bailey." Christen points out with a soft smile. Billie comes rushing in hearing Christen's voice. She rushes over to her, Christen just laughs squatting down to pet Billie.

"Tobin opened up a very personal conversation then regretted it. And then I told her she was jealous of it." Flo shrugs taking my water handing me hers. "Don't chug that one babe. You're going to make yourself sick." She presses a soft kiss to my cheek before turning on her heels to go get herself another water.

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