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I wake up not being able to breathe, I look at Kristie who was still laying in her bed. I get out of my bed to poke Kristie's forehead. "Bailey! What the hell?" She opens her eyes to look at me. "I-I ca-can't."

Kristie's eyes widen throwing her blankets off of her sitting up getting out of bed immediately pulling me into a tight hug. She grabs her phone calling someone.

"Kristie why are you calling me?" I hear my mom answer the phone. "Flo didn't answer, and I couldn't think of anyone else to help." Kristie answers quickly dropping her phone on her bed. She releases me before looking for my inhaler. I don't have asthma, but it's what you would call an anxiety inhaler.

"Kristie what's wrong?" Instant worry flooding my mom's voice through the phone. "She woke me up, she's not able to breathe." She panics still trying to find my inhaler. "Shit." She mutters still looking through my stuff.

One second I was standing, the next thing I know I'm on the ground. "What was that?" My mom's voice sounded so distant. "Shit!" Kristie jumps over my bed landing next to me.

1 hour later

I wake up with a groan looking at Kristie. "What happened?" I ask sitting up.

"You had a panic attack, then proceeded to pass out on me." Kristie rambles out. "I couldn't find your inhaler, Flo wasn't answering her phone. I had to call your mom. I've never seen one hit you so hard." She starts to pace the floor of the room.

Tobin walks out of the bathroom at that exact moment. "Bailey! You're awake!" She smiles running over to give me a big hug. "Oomph." I huff out as she squeezes me. "Don't worry me like that again." She pulls away hitting me in the shoulder.

"Ow! What the hell?" I exclaim looking at Tobin. "Kristie came running down the hall pounding on my door saying that you passed out from hyperventilating. Do you know how worried I was?" She looks at me. "You're like my sister. I thought something seriously wrong happened."

I furrow my eyebrows looking up at Tobin before sitting up. "I just had a panic attack." I state with a shrug. "Nothing I haven't had before."

Tobin glares at me with fire in her eyes. "Bailey, you passed out for an hour. This isn't something to just blow over. I was worried about my best friend. Is that such a problem?"

I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry." I whisper looking at the ground feeling like a scolded kid.  "By the way Flo called you like ten times while you were out."

My eyes widen grabbing my phone off the bedside table. 20 unread texts and 10 missed calls from Cutie Pout ☹️.

I quickly tap Flo's contact on my phone. She immediately answers the phone.

"Little B! Thank god you're okay!" Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy meaning she had been crying. "I got so scared when your mom called me to tell me that you woke up not being able to breathe. Then Kristie told me you passed out. And because of Covid I can't even enter Olympic Village. That means I can't make sure that you're okay." She rambles out in a whisper, fresh tears threatening to fall. My heart breaks when I see them. I hate seeing her cry.

"Flo, sweetie, I'm fine." I whisper softly with a sad smile. "It was just a panic attack."

Her eyes snap to meet mine through the screen. "You haven't had a bad one in months." She whispers with a pout. I frown myself knowing that she was right. "It was probably all the stress of traveling. Learning about the whole not having kids situation, getting back after an injury. All of that piled onto one another causing the attack." Christen states just waltzing into the room. "Thanks for the key." She hands the key card back to Kristie. "Glad to see you awake Bailey. Hi Flo!" She waves to my girlfriend on the screen.

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