Crystal Clear

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Hey Y'all it's been a while. I have a job. A preschool teacher. So, a lot of my time was cemented on that as the first six months are like a trial run. And working 35 hours a week with 2.9 year old's to five year old's is exhausting.

Comments are appreciated as always. I love being able to interact with you guys.

I do hope you have some tissues... not because anything bad happens.... maybe... there's just really sweet moments.... maybe...

Wedding jitters, those are a thing right? Everyone gets them? Right? I was currently getting ready for my wedding to the love of my life.

Alex walks into the bathroom where I was sitting on the edge of the tub as I try to calm my breathing. She was already dressed in her bridesmaids dress. "I got you something." She sits down next to me handing me my phone. "Okay, why are you.." "Just hit the play button on the video." She smiles standing up and walks out of the bathroom leaving me in the bathroom by myself.

I take a breath hitting play on the video. Kristie's face pops out on the screen.

"Hey Bailey. You had us record this if you started to get nervous for your wedding. So, that's what we are doing. I'm gonna start and hopefully by the end you feel better. Well that's the hope anyway."  She smiles at the phone camera. "The moment I met you I knew you would end up being my best friend, why? Because Bailey Rushman, you are a one of a kind individual that never fails to make me smile or laugh. The moment you introduced me to Florence, I knew that she was your other half. She compliments you perfectly. The way she looks at you is the way authors of romance novels write about. Bailey, you just look at Flo, and the whole world will float away. Don't worry about anything today, you just focus on marrying the love of your life."

The video shakes as it's handed over to someone else. Preath is now in front of the camera. "Christen I don't know about you, but I think we should give them a ship name.... hmmm, Bugh?" "Oh my god, Tobin that was horried. Florencey." "That was just as bad, imagine the jokes I could make out of that though. Don't give me ammunition."

I laugh at Tobin and Christen, my guess is there job was to make me laugh, while Kristie's was to reassure me.

"Pugiley?" "What are they an Addams?" "Um, what?' "It sounds like Pugsley Addams." Christen gives Tobin a look rolling her eyes. "Fine, fine. Flailey?" "That is acceptable." "Okay, great. There Bailey you now have a ship name."

Tobin looks to the camera. "You will be getting that florenceyussy tonight." She whispers into the camera. "TOBIN!" Christen hits the girls shoulder when she pulls back. "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!" "I think I just did." Tobin taps Christen on the nose.

At the moment the screen turns black. All I hear is music chords as the screen turns back to show a face. Flo is now on camera. "Hi my love. At this moment you are getting ready for our wedding. God, I haven't even asked yet but I know you are going to say yes." She sits down the phone still in her hand. "Today is the day that you go off to your first ever Olympics. I'm so proud of you. I've never been more proud to be your girlfriend."

My eyes widen when I realize how old the video of Flo actually is.

"When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of marrying my prince charming and living happily ever after. Then you walked into the café that day. At first all I saw was your outfit. You were wearing a band t-shirt. It was one of my favorite bands... okay, Queen is iconic... but then you looked up, and I was speechless. You were stunning never have I seen a more beautiful person in real life. I knew I had to speak to you. I had no idea how I was going to be able to do that. I quickly formulated a plan to be able to talk to you. I just needed to have one conversation and I would be set. I heard you order your drink, and I waited until yours was called to enact my plan. Perfectly enough they called both our drinks at the same time. So I stuck. I grabbed yours, forcing you to grab mine. You chased after me, I apologized giving you back your drink. I then complimented your shirt... and the rest is history."

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