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Before we start, part of this game is real, the other parts are fictional for the progression of the story. Also for fictional reasons we are allowed to bring 19 on the roster and the other alternates.

"Bailey!" I heard Kristie yell in my ear to wake me up. "Your stupid Jarvis Alarm has been going off for the past ten minutes." She groans pushing me out of my hotel bed. I groan hitting the ground. "Rude." I mumble in my morning voice getting out of bed. I turn my alarm off before heading off to the attached bathroom.

"Team breakfast in 30 minutes Bailey." She tells me as I close the door. "Yeah, yeah." I grumble doing my business in the bathroom before coming out.

"I know that you are in a sad mood because we leave straight to the Olympics from here and you won't get to see your fiancée, even when you get home since she'll be off in Sweden filming a movie. And she's taking the dog." She gives me a look with a 'I'm sorry.'

"Fuck off fruity pebbles." I grumble angrily grabbing a shirt and pants quickly getting dressed.

"Okay. This is serious. What's up?" Kristie frown's noticing that it wasn't really about Flo and I not being able to see each other for a while.

"I went to the doctors before the summer series right. And well, I got my results back last night." I whisper running my hands through my hair.

"Shit. They're not good are they?" She asks looking at me. "You're not dying are you?"

I snap my gaze to hers. "Hell no. Not that kind of doctor Kristie." I give her a look trying to tell her without actually saying it.

"What kind of doctor." "Gynecologist." I whisper looking back at the ground. "Oh? Oh....." It took her a few but she got it. "What was the verdict?"

"Are you really going to make me say it?" I mumble not wanting to say what the results were. "It might make it more real." I whisper.

Kristie sat down on my bed pulling me down to sit next to her. Her hands still firmly gripping mine. "Look, it's real or not, even if you don't say it."

"Icanthavekids." I huff out quickly mumbling it together. "Oh sweetie." Kristie whispers pulling me into a tight hug. She didn't need me to repeat it to her. She knew what I had said.

Flo was really looking forward to having kids together. Mine and hers. Now they're not going to be mine. I was looking forward to having biological kids. I've had names picked out since I was a kid. Now that's never going to happen for me.

"I can't have kids Kristie." I cry into her shoulder. "All I've ever wanted was kids. Now I can't have them." She takes a deep breath rubbing my back softly. "Bailey, there are other ways for you to have kids. You and I both know this." She whispers. "You still have a whole ass other uterus with your fiancée." She jokes trying to make me laugh. I let out a strained laugh.

"It won't be the same." "No, but knowing you. You will love those damn kids with everything inside of you. Why, because they will be apart of her. And you love that damn girl more than anything on this planet. Including soccer." She gives me a small smile. "Those kids will get the most amount of love I will have ever seen." We both jump apart when a knock on the door scares us.

"Are you two going to join us for breakfast?" We hear Rose ask through the door. Kristie gets up to let her in. Rose spots me on the bed. "Kristie what the hell did you do?" She accuses pointing at the blonde. "Nothing. Tell her Bailey." Kristie raises her hands in surrender.

"She didn't do anything Rose." I whisper wiping away the stray tears on my cheeks. "What happened?" She asks softly sitting down next to me.

"I can't have kids Rose." I whisper to the brunette sitting next to me. The more I say it the more real it becomes.

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