Don't You Dare Say You Have Plans

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Happy Pride month everyone. I hope you like the chapter... and comments are always appreciated.

Apologizing in advance for all of the time jumps in this chapter, it was just easier that way.

I really hope you guys recognize the title...

I sit down on the couch with my legs out in front of me as Flo lays her head on my lap the rest of her body basically laying on top of mine. "How long are you here for?"

"A week." I answer running my hands through her hair. I hear her hum as I continue running my hands through her hair.

"This October or next?" She asks after a little bit of a comfortable silence. "What we're you thinking?" I ask her placing a kiss to her forehead. "I mean most people have a long engagement to get used to either living together, or get used to being more committed. We really don't need either of those. We've lived together since we were 20, unofficially since we we 19."

I give her a small smile. She's not wrong. We bought our first apartment together when we were 20, but after I decided on staying in England we were unofficially living together, because Flo had more stuff at my apartment than at her parents house and she stayed over my place more often or not. It just wasn't official since she wasn't on the lease, and I never asked her to move in with me.

"Plus I really don't want to wait to be able to call you Mrs. Pugh." She whispers with a shy smile. I raise an eyebrow at her, "oh, so you're assuming I'm taking your last name?" I ask her slightly teasing her. She may be the actress in this relationship but I can pull a few things. She frowns slightly, "I-I m-mean..., I-" she sputters out trying to come up with an answer. "Babe, I'm kidding. I would love to take your last name. I'll even change it on my jersey." I tell her with a big smile on my face. I watch as her face brightens with a big smile on her face. I've never really felt connected to my last name, and I love Flo's. 

"This October." She mumbles before leaning up to kiss my lips. "So, 2 and a half months to plan a wedding?" I ask looking down at her raising my eyebrow. "It's not like we need a big wedding. So, yeah, why not." "October 15, 2021 I will be marrying the love of my life." I whisper placing a soft kiss to her forehead. She whines slightly puckering her lips. I let out a soft laugh leaning back down to place a kiss on her lips.

We sit there in silence for a little bit just enjoying each other's company the tv playing something lowly to fill the quiet space. "What kind of colors do you want our wedding to be?" Flo asks suddenly. I hum in thought trying to think of colors that I think would look nice. "What we're you thinking?" I ask her having no clue about wedding colors. "I was thinking blue and silver. Elegant and romantic, with a hint of royalty because why not." She smiles looking up at me with her bright eyes. "Blue and silver?" I mutter to myself thinking of how it would look. "I love it." I answer pressing a small kiss to Flo's lips I pull away gaining a small whine from Flo which makes me laugh.

"Wedding song?" "Oh easy." I answer with a shrug. Flo raises her eyebrows looking at me to continue. "Oh right. '18' by One Direction." I respond. "Why?"

"I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
All I can do is say that these arms
Are made for holding you, oh-oh
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18." I respond to her question singing a few of the lyrics. "Since we've been dating since we were 18, and I really have loved you since I was 18." I blush slightly explaining the song choice to her. "So, that's our first dance song?" She asks softly trying to clarify. "Yes. But I want a private last dance after the ceremony with you and the photographer. And you can pick that song."

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