How I Met You

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Hello guys. This is a flashback sequence of Bailey applying to Oxford for Music for her semester abroad, where she was going before she transferred to stay, all of that jazz.

Obviously how she met Flo will be in this chapter.

I want to apologize for the New Story scare. Didn't mean to scare everyone. I am not finished writing this story. I was just hit a writers block trying to write Flailey's honeymoon. So, I scraped that for a moment and decided to write this chapter, while I gain motivation/inspiration for the honeymoon chapter.

Oh, and for imagination purposes lets just forget that I wrote earlier that she went to a division 2 school. Okay? Okay.

Maybe you guys can help me out. Flo gets her hair cut on the honeymoon... you know the look. How does Bailey react? Comment on how she should react, and if you guys have a different idea, please comment that too. I'd love to hear your ideas.

Dies... metaphorically. (Like speechless die)

Dies... metaphorically. (Like has to... you know... the smut chapter...) ((You guys will probably pick this one...))

Dies... metaphorically. (Like passes out, speechless... has to you know.. a smut chapter...)

Any other ideas?

Now if you pick the smut chapter, the chapter will take longer, because I can only write this one not near family, and definitely not at work, where I am currently working on this chapter for you guys. AS I WORK IN A PRESCHOOL!!!!!

Sorry for how long this chapter took guys.

As always comments are appreciated. Oh, flashback portions are in Italics as normal. Enjoy, guys.

P.S. Oh yeah, please enjoy the super extra long chapter for you guys to read for this entire montage of information that is coming at you. It was fun to go back and write their story.

"Mom, please. I have to do this." I look to my mom who kept asking me why I was applying to Oxford for music. "Stanford is a great school sweetheart." "Mom, it's a great school. But Oxford is Oxford. I didn't apply there originally because I didn't want to be so far away from you guys. But, I'm itching to apply for a semester aboard. I want to explore while I'm still young."

"Honey..." "Dad, I still need to get in. I'm just applying right now." I look the other direction to my father. "It's just you made friends at Stanford." "I'll make friends at Oxford too Dad. I'm doing this, whether you guys like it or not. I'm doing it." I hit submit to my online application to Oxford. It was easier, and guaranteed that it would get there.

"I just don't understand the music major sweetheart. You're so good at Math." "Mom, I may be good at Mathematics but it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't want to be a math professor like you. I want to do my own thing." I stand up looking at my mother. "Music isn't a good choice for a major."

She always wanted me to be like her. Prim and proper, not an athlete for one thing, love math, go to college for math, fall in love with a fellow math lover, my dad, get married and have a kid, me. But that's not what I want to do. I want to be in a symphony orchestra someday. More importantly the London Symphony Orchestra. And to get a leg up on doing that someday I want to study in England.

"Honey, we just want you to be safe." Dad states in a soft kind voice. "Dad, being safe was you."


"You love art, but YOU chose science and math." "Sweetheart, your father and I, we just want what's best for you."

"What's best for me? Is picking MY major what's best for ME?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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