New Clothes

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The next day, I woke up to Nina jumping on my bed. I groaned and rolled onto my back. Nina sat on my stomach.

"Hey moron! Get off of me!" I yelled, sitting up. She lost her balance and fell off of me, smacking the floor with her side.

"Get ready for school!" Nina said, rushing out of the room. She had sprung up like a spring from her fall, much to excited for the misery these common folk referred to as school.

I stumbled out of bed and over to the closet. I pulled out the only thing in there, my school uniform. School uniforms always suck. I feel like it's practically a law that school uniforms have to be the ugliest pieces of crap in the world.

From being in jail, I was used to a uniform, but this one I didn't like. It wasn't orange, my favorite color, or even black, a close second to my favorite color, it was dark blue and white. It was stiff and way too proper for a jail bird like me.

I had other ideas. No more uniforms for me. Nuh uh, Kadence West does what she wants to do and nothing that she doesn't.

That morning, when Diana dropped us off, instead of going into school, I grabbed Nina. "Come on, we're going to get different clothes," I said.

"What?! And miss school?"

"Yeah, now come on," I said it like it was obvious.

Nina just kind of stared at me. "If you guys are skipping, then I'm coming too," Shane said, and Nina latched onto his hand.

"Good, so, where can we go?"

"Um, we can go to the mall?" Nina suggested.

"Okay, lead the way." Nina smiled at me, then glanced at Shane.

They started walking off to the left, and I quickly followed, eager to leave the school parking lot, before they changed their minds.

"How far is it away?" I asked.

"Like a fifteen minute walk."

Shane stopped walking, and Nina jumped on to his back, like they had planned it. "Damn, you're light," Shane said, bumping Nina up a little higher.

I rolled my eyes at their stupid couple nonsense. It just didn't make sense to me.

We kept walking around. When we finally reached the mall, Shane let Nina down.

"Here we are," Nina said, landing softly on the ground. I told you that they were ninjas. Maybe Diana's place was really a ninja training center. That would be sick. I'd get to learn how to fight better than I already can.

"Ugh, shopping," Shane muttered, pouting slightly. Nina stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek lightly. He brightened considerably and took her hand in his, once again. I made a gagging noise and turned away.

We went into the mall. It was crowded, but not too crowded, as it was a work and school day. We still had room to move around without bumping into people. There were hardly any people our age there. I guess we were the only skippers.

"What if people ask us why we aren't in school?" Nina asked. She nervously glanced around, as if getting asked that meant a one way ticket to Hell.

"Then we do what I've always excelled at, lying," I said, raising my left eyebrow and smirking happily.

I loved lying. It was like a fun game to play. What could I convince someone was true? I had had a lot of practice with it.

My first words were a lie. I was in jail at the time. Most kids usually say mommy or daddy or whatever. Not me.

My mother asked me if I peed myself, and I said no, even though I knew I actually had. She said, "Yes, I think you did."

I replied with, "Bullshit!"

Anyways, Shane, Nina, and I went into a store called Arrowpositail or something like that. I picked out a few things that Nina called 'crop tops' and some regular shirts too. Plus jeans and leggings.

Nina got some shirts and legging, plus a light blue sweatshirt. Shane hung out with Nina, not getting anything.

When we had all of our things, Nina came over to me, a worried expression upon her face. "How exactly are we going to pay for these? We don't have any money."

"We aren't going to. We're going to take them," I said.

Though I had never been to a real store, my parents had taught me the art of shop lifting. They explained that there were tags on the clothes that only a special machine could remove. If they weren't removed, it would set off an alarm, ruining the whole operation.

That wouldn't happen. I had a plan. As long as Nina and Shane did their part, it would all work out.

I explained my plan to them, and reluctantly they agreed. They didn't seem to eager to steal something, but I didn't care.

Then it was time for the plan to take action. I gave my clothes to Nina, and she waited in the line to check out.

Just as Nina got to the front of the line, I stepped into the middle of the store, and screamed. I screamed a loud, sharp, high pitched scream.

I dropped to my knees on the ground, and wailed. The lady behind the desk rushed over to me, and so did the only other store attendant.

I clawed at my throat, and labored my breathing, making it sound like I was having an anxiety attack.

One of the women tried to touch me, but I shrank away from her. I screamed, "Don't touch me!" In a shrill, ears splitting voice, the words erupting from me like a volcano.

Nina ran behind the counter, and removed all the tags from the clothes. When she was done, she calmly walked out of the store.

I took a deep breath and stood up. "All better! Thanks for your help," I said, running out of the store behind Nina, leaving two very confused women kneeling on the floor next to a no longer there struggling body.

Shane waited for us outside of the mall. "How'd it go?" He asked.

"Perfect, great job Nina. I didn't think you had it in you," I congratulated.

"Thanks, your acting was top-notch."

We changed into our new clothes, me into a crop top and jeans. I wanted to look as far away from the uniform as possible. If that meant showing as much skin as possible, than so be it.

I walked into my third class halfway through it. The teacher's jaw dropped when he saw me.

"Ms. West! That kind of clothing is not tolerated here. Go change into your uniform," his terrible hair flop seemed to wobble as he shook in anger. I swear, he was going to shake his John Lennon glasses right off of his crooked nose.

"Nope," I said, plopping down into a random chair.

"Go to the office!" He yelled. I shrugged, packed up my stuff and left the room. At least my protest got the attention I had wanted.

Now, there was no way that I was going to go to the office. I went to my locker and got my bag out.

There was a door leading outside near my locker. I tested it. Unlocked.

I smiled and ran out the door. If something is unlocked then they're pretty much inviting you to use it. Or at least that's how I see it.

Okay, I just thought of this so, there's a big don't try this at home on this whole book! Please don't actually do any criminal acts, this is a story, I don't know how to actually rob a store, so Kadence's plan probably wouldn't work. I'm hoping anyways. And if there's a door unlocked at school, don't go through it. Stay in school, kids!

The song is Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. If Kurt Cobain isn't badass, I don't know who is.

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