Day Before The Storm

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Morning arrived and Reion was already outside the house, he looked at the sky while a cigarette was dangling on his lips. Gray clouds are visible and was blocking the sun, he could only puff out his cigar and looked down on his motorcycle. He should look around for a bit just incase he wants to buy something. Without any second thought he threw the cigarrete and rode his motorcycle. Kai'sa and Ahri just woke up, Kai'sa looked at Ahri with a doubtful look while Ahri yawned.

"What?" Ahri asked as she scratched her belly.

"You don't really wake up this early," Kai'sa said wich Ahri ignored and went to the kitchen.

Kai'sa chuckled and followed her since she is about to cook their breakfast. Evelynn and Akali was still sleeping soundly while Ahri went to shower. Reion was just roaming around aimlessly and thought he should check Sett out since he said he's finished with his job. After sometime he arrived on front of the entrance that leads to the pit, a security guard pulled him up and Reion doesn't recognize him. The man had a dark toned skin and his build was buff along with his semi-haircut. Reion knew that he was part of Sett thanks to that simple uniform.

"How can I help you sir?" a gruff voice said as he walked to Reion who was still riding on his motorcycle.

"Yeah, is boss Sett available?" Reion asked as he removed his helmet and tucked it in his left elbow, the guard flinched when Reion said that wich made him chuckle a little.

"Calm down, I know the guy and I thought I should pay him a visit," Reion explained.

"Please wait for a while sir but what's your name? This way I can confirm if your not into some funny business," the guard replied and Reion chuckled.

"He calls me Ace for whatever reason," Reion said and the guard nodded, he walked back to his post and made a phonecall while Reion lit a cigar. It didn't take too long before the guard arrived.

"I'm sorry for the wait sir, please go in. He's waiting for you," the guard replied nervously, this was his first day and he already made his boss shout at him. Reion noticed how his hand trembled and smiled.

"Don't worry that much, he's usually like that when he's excited. People mistook that as his anger though but you best be careful," Reion said as he sipped his cigar and place the helmet in front of him.

"Y-yes sir," the guard replied and went to open the gate. Reion just finished his cigar the usual way and threw it away, he exhaled and put on his helmet.

He arrived and went inside, it was quiet wich Reion finds unusal. Whenever he arrives there was usually chanting, cheering and screaming as the fight intensifies but now there's nothing. He looked around while climbing the staircase that leads to Sett's office, upon arriving he made a knock. It didn't take too long when a lady with a white skin that had a long black hair and was wearing a simple dress. She was similar to Reion when a black furry ears perked up from the side of her face wich made Reion raise an eye-brow. The girl guided Reion to Sett who was sitting and was doing some paper work.

"Seems like it wasn't easy," Reion said when he saw Sett had a bandage wrapped on his forehead along with band aids on his right eyebrow while his cheeks had a visible cut.

"Well I manged to pull it off," Sett replied. The girl whispered something on Sett's ear wich made him chuckle. Sett nodded and the girl made a slight bow to Reion before leaving.

"Seems so, want me to do the clean up?" Reion asked as he pulled a chair and took his seat.

"Nah, if he returns then that will be his last," Sett replied as he leaned on his couch.

"Okay then, who's the girl?" Reion asked with a smile.

"Found her as a slave from my dad, I just couldn't leave her there," Sett said with a sigh.

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