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Reion was watching the news through his phone while the dogs ate on a plate he provided. Seems like Vincent was right, the storm was no doubt strong but that only made it travel quicker. Reion smiled at this when he realized that he could be at ease for a while. After watching the weather report he remembered the last time he watched the news. It was five days ago and the news Reion watched was the K/DA being fired. Reion sighed and noticed the puppies finish their food, he also got another problem to deal with.

Reion went to the living room and laid down on the empty sofa and relaxed. He had nothing to do and was really bored to the core so he leaned on his sides and faced the stairs while his back faced the television. He should just take a nap to speed things up. The puppies also followed him but they could only see Reion's back expanding as he inhaled.

The brown one went towards the stairs leading to the basement and the gray one followed. They both descended the stairs and stopped on the entrance as they observed the place. It was a bit dark but they could still see the ladies clearly.

Akali who was on the couch perked her head when she noticed something on the entrance. Her attention focused on the brown one who was wagging its tail while the gray one kept lowering and raising its head. The gray one was curious but concerned at the same time so she tried to sniff the floor but raise her head again to see Akali.

Ahri noticed Akali looking at the entrance and was snickering so she wanted to know why. Ahri stretched her back to look over the table and saw the puppies, the brown one was looking around but his tail was still wagging while the gray one took the initiative to get inside slowly as she sniffed the floor. Ahri could clearly see how the brown one had a breed of something similar to a bichon frise while the gray one was almost similar to a husky but her eyes was different than the others. Ahri couldn't help herself and stood up slowly to not scare them. Somehow this alerted the gray puppy and went behind the brown one.

"Aww," Ahri said in dismay so she sat down again and Evelynn who was the closest turned around to see the puppies making her chuckle.

"Cute little fella, come here," Evelynn said but the two ignored her instead making Evelynn felt a vein bulge in her forehead.

The puppies was just wary of them but after some time the brown puppy was the first to engage. He walked carefully to where Kai'sa and Akali was with his tail still wagging and the gray one followed. Ahri resisted herself from grabbing them and pet them so she waited while Evelynn was writing something on her laptop. The brown one sniffed Akali's feet and then Kai'sa before walking carefully to Ahri. Ahri could barely contain herself but the puppy was the first as it suddenly started chasing Ahri's tail. The gray one was already resting in Akali's lap and she was being scratched by Kai'sa and Akali while Ahri lured the brown one through her tail.

She placed her tails in front of her as she sat down on the cushion and the brown puppy jumped to where the tails gathered. Ahri chuckled and tried to pet the puppy while it was busy playing, she did succeed and Ahri could feel her palm enjoying the tingling sensation as she rubbed her arms through the puppy's back. The dog felt that and started to lick her fingers making her chuckle. Ahri slowly picked this 1 and a half feet puppy and placed him in her lap. The puppies didn't hate it when they felt they were safe so they slowly bonded with the girls. Evelynn also joined in sometimes by patting the puppies' heads or just simply petting them carefully. They eventually got bored so they started playing with them for a good 30 minutes until Akali accidentally crashed on the drums making a large boom along with the snares.

"Are you alright?" Kai'sa asked with worry as she helped Akali back up.

"Yeah, didn't really do anything," Akali replied and studied the drums. She hoped there wasn't any damage especially when they may not have any spare money.

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