A Stranger

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2 o'clock in the morning and Ahri was asleep beside Reion. Reion was still sleeping comfortably, the beeps of the heart monitor echoed in the room where they were in. The weird thing was that they weren't alone. A man on what seems to be in his 50's reaching around 7 feet was watching Reion. His clothing was a white suit and his bowtie was red along with a white steampunk hat that had a red feather sticking out in its left side. He was wearing a white glove and was holding a wooden cane on his right and his left hand was on his pocket. His golden eyes was looking at Reion as he walked quietly to his side, the man pulled out what seems to be a circular shaped pill with the size of a marble and placed it inside his mouth. He kneaded Reion's throat slightly and Reion's body reacted by swallowing the pill. The man smiled and walked away while the sound of his cane vibrated to Reion's ears but it seems like Ahri couldn't hear it.

Reion began to wake up mentally but he couldn't open his eyes physically so he felt like he was in a dark room, he was confused at first then it hit him. This nauseating feeling was unique since there was something that doesn't add up, Reion could feel like there was something like a worm wriggling in his entire body, Reion knew this and immediately braced his mind for something. After some time, his body began to heat up and his heartbeat increased while he could feel his body being poked by thousand needles, his guess was right. Reion felt this before when he was much younger but this time his body has already experienced enough to endure this without having to shout. Reion believes he could reduce his senses to negate some of the pain so he did that. The machine that detected his heartbeat started to beep quickly waking Ahri up when she heard it. She was confused and looked at the monitor, Ahri could only see numbers rising rapidly. She questioned what it meant until nurses started to storm the room.

"Ma'am please excuse us. Hey where's Dr. Shen, we need him now!" a nurse said to the girl beside her.

"We already called him, we need to put him back in the ER!" the other nurse replied.

Ahri stepped aside to make space for the nurses to work, she  began to panick as they dragged Reion to the ER. Ahri was fidgeting as she reached out for her phone and called Evelynn with trembling hands. Evelynn was in her room and woke up when her phone vibrated, she turned to see who it was and noticed it was Ahri so she recieved the call. She could hear Ahri hyperventilating on the other side.

"Is there something wrong?" Evelynn asked calmly so she wouldn't alarm Ahri further.

"I, they said Reions going back to the ER. I-what should I do?" Ahri asked making Evelynn nervous as she stood up and shook her head to wake up.

"Just stay there and calm down okay? He's going to be fine so ju-just stay," Evelynn replied as she got dressed in a hurry.

Kai'sa and Akali was still asleep making Evelynn sigh with relief. If they knew then it would be hard to calm them down. She went to the garage and drove to the hospital.

As the nurses ran Reion to the ER they noticed that his heartbeat was beginning to stabilize again, they were confused when none of them gave any shots that could calm it down. Dr. Shen ordered them to call him first if anything is to happen and to never give him any medicine since he was also worried that it may just make it worse especially when his blood doesn't make any sense. They arrived to the ER and Dr. Shen came with his uniform, he was surprised to see that nothing strange happened and it seems like his pulse was back to normal. Dr. Shen sighed and facepalmed as he walked to Reion. He observed the monitor that was beeping steadily and then examine Reion only to find norhing new.  Dr. Shen looked closer at Reion's chest when...it started to move. Reion was awake. He pulled himself up to a sitting position and he was huffing for air as if he was tired while the nurses and Dr. Shen looked at him with open mouths. Reion looked at them and noticed he was wearing a patients gown making him sigh, he looked at Shen who was clearly shocked and asked.

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