Preparation Complete

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Reion managed to get the whole story, he sighed as he leaned his back on the chair and looked at Sett with his gloomy gaze.

"You should have called me," Reion said but Sett just laughed lightly.

"I know but I had to do it without you. Dunno if its my pride or shit but I thought I could do it," Sett replied. Reion nodded, he respected that pride of his because that's what made the Sett today.

"I get it, I should go. Seems like I have to stay with the girls for a while," Reion said as he stood and Sett nodded. Reion walked to the door and opened it, he looked back and saw Sett was already looking at him.

"Don't forget to invite me aight?" Reion said with a smile before closing the door and Sett just chuckled.

Sett continued what he was doing before while Reion went to his motorcycle. He started it and planned to go to the store to buy some things he might need. After a while he stopped at an intersection where the lights were red and remembered he had all his tools on his apartment. Reion knew he needed to get it before Sett's mother will find it so he went there quickly. Upon his arrival he knocked on the door wich Sett's mother opened.

"Sorry ma'am, I just have to get something and I'll be on my way," Reion said and she nodded as she made way for Reion to enter.

He quickly went to the bedroom and closed the door, Reion was infront of his wardrobe and tried to move it quietly. After a few grunts and effort, he was able to see the black suitcase that was conveniently placed in a hole, he remembered how lazy he was to patch it before and thought it would be a great place to hide this. Reion took the suitcase and returned the wardrobe back to its place, he sighed and carried the suitcase outside. He bid farewell to Sett's mother and she replied with a smiling nod. When he was back to his motorcycle he sat down and cleaned of the dust that gathered for a year now, he wish he could find somewhere private that no one but him knew so he could hide it there. Reion was doubting his apartment since he might not even return to that place. He just sighed and tied the suitcase on the back of his motorcycle before driving back to his home.

The girls were also back to their apartment with all the things they bought. They were still doing their music video in the basement and Evelynn was adding some effects that fits their music, Kai'sa also helped from time to time and Ahri also did her best to lend a hand. For Akali, she was planning something and searched for buildings in her phone, it was convenient for her when directions were given to such buildings. While Akali was browsing her phone she heard a knock from above so she went to see while the others were continuing what they were doing. Akali opened the door and saw Reion with the suitcase on his hand, Akali immediately made way for Reion and he went inside. Reion tried to place the suitcase carefully but it still made a thud when he placed it. He sighed as he wiped his sweat on his forehead.

"What's that?" Akali asked as she closed the door and sat on the sofa.

"Nothing important, I might stay with you guys during the typhoon so I wanted to talk to all of you. But seems like they're busy so I'll talk to them later," Reion said and Akali nodded.

Reion carried the suit again and went to his room while Akali went back to the basement. Reion placed the suitcase in his bed and went to lock the door, he really don't want anyone to see whats in this thing so he also closed his curtains just in case. He sat on his bed and opened the suitcase that contained his military uniform and two dog tags that belonged to him and his friend. Slowly he recalled what happened after they managed to kill the sniper.

Reion was running with Chris while trying to avoid eye sight from their enemies. Their ammo was running low and he only had a magazine left with his side arm. He had no explosives with him that may come in handy while Chris already had his last magazine in his M4 and his pistol had three remaining shots left and a single grenade. They stopped inside one of the buildings wich was abandoned, there they rested for a while but they know that they are stranded and alone. The fires had stopped and they doubt that they won, this only means that their side is either captured or killed. The sun was still up indicating that it's around noon.

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