Chapter 1

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*Wren's P.O.V*

The cold metal of the silver bracelet around my wrist dug into my skin. My thumb hooked the bracelet and twisted it as my eyes scanned the bar. I released my bracelet as I felt a warm calloused hand on my shoulder. I tore my eyes from the bar and stared into rich, dark brown eyes. The golden rays that surrounded his pupils glittered in the dim light of the club.

"Back so soon handsome," I said as I smiled at him. I leaned forward and captured his lips in a kiss, fighting a grimace at the taste of whiskey that lingered on his lips. He had stubble covering his face which was rough to the touch. I slowly pulled away from the kiss as he wrapped an arm around me. I studied that man that was currently the person of my affections, the man named Ezekiel Hulls.

"I was barely gone for a moment, had to get one last drink in me," he chuckled. He was a great man, one that had been kind to me. A man who I was currently dating for access to the local blood bank. He was the manager which meant he had access to every room in the place, most importantly he had access to the refrigerators.

I closed my eyes for a moment as I felt my fangs dig into my lip slightly. The thought of all that blood, all alone and easy for the taking made me hungry. It had been almost a month since I had last drank blood and my throat burned from thirst. This was by far the longest time I had gone without blood and I was close to breaking. I had cultivated this relationship for months now to get where I was.

A part of me felt guilty for using Ezekiel and his connection to the blood bank. I knew we could never last though, an immortal vampire and a mortal human. Eventually he would pass and I would be unchanged, trapped in this prison of a body. I could already see the slight changes in his face from aging after only a month. Wrinkles were subtly showing up to my keen eyes and it hurt to know that this wonderful man would one day be no more. It hurt more to know that we would never see each other again after tonight.

"Are you sober enough to drive home or do I have to drive you home?" I questioned as I reached up and ran my fingers through his curly brown hair. His hair was silky to the touch. He leaned into my hand slightly as he groaned as my nails scratched his scalp.

"I have only had three shots within the last four hours, I am barely buzzed much less drunk," he said as he pulled my hand free of his hair and kissed my hand gently. "I do not believe I could convince you to stay the night?" he questioned.

"Not tonight, maybe another night," I answered. My heart squeezed painfully at the thought of this being the last night we had to spend together. I interlaced our fingers together and squeezed his hand gently. I followed him out of the building, tugging my jacket more firmly around me with my free hand.

I studied my fake nails in the dim light outside the bar. They were very fitting I supposed, seeing as they were blood red and stiletto shaped. I had discovered that pointy, long nails were a great asset to have as long as they did not break off. I reached my free hand up and gently ran my nails down his back. His back tensed slightly before he relaxed after a moment.

"God damn you and your magic nails," he said with a soft chuckle as he turned to look at me. I smiled innocently at him as he tried to look upset. I found it sort of cute because his lips always pressed together when he was upset and his eyebrows narrowed.

"You love me," I said as we made it to his car. He wrapped an arm around my waist as he pulled me close and kissed my neck gently.

"Indeed I do," he said as he fumbled to get his keys out of his pocket. I rolled my eyes as I turned around and easily slid them out of his pocket. "Knew you were magic," he grumbled as I unlocked his car. I scoffed as I opened the door for him, holding it for him.

"For you my love," I said as I bowed mockingly to him as he got in the car. I leaned in and kissed him gently, carefully his work keys from his passenger seat when he was not looking. "Drive carefully for me Ezekiel, I love you," I said breathlessly as I stared into his eyes.

"I love you too Wren," he said as he gently cupped my face. "Are you sure you do not want me to drive you home?" he questioned.

"I enjoy the walk home Zeke, it allows me to ponder my existence," I said teasingly. "Seriously though, I do enjoy the walk and it is not that far so don't worry about me," I promised as I smiled softly.

"Alright, come see me sometime this week, preferably tomorrow, or I might go crazy not seeing your beautiful face," he teased. I laughed to hold back the tears that wanted to fall, laughing to ignore the pain in my chest. I shut his car door after a moment and watched him drive away before I sat down on the curb, tucking the keys I took under my leg.

For the hundredth time since I had been turned into this god forsaken monster, I cursed my luck. Love was a beautiful thing but it absolutely sucked to fall in love with someone only to have to leave them. Maybe I was in the wrong for leaving with no warning but it hurt. I had tried so many times with others to let them down or to tell them the truth but it never worked out.

I sighed as I rolled my head back and released the tension in my shoulders, feeling my upper back pop slightly. "Everything is so complicated, probably cause I make it complicated," I muttered as I stood up, grabbing the keys. I tucked them into my back pocket.

I ducked into the back alley behind the bar, thankful for once that this was a small town where everything was connected. It was like a five minute walk max to get to the blood bank. While walking I decided to live dangerously and take out my contacts.

Contacts were a pain to take out while walking but I was a vampire so I had no choice but to wear them. Red eyes kind of freaked people out so I had to do what I could to hide them. Being pale and having extremely sharp canine teeth had no effect on people but the red eyes were apparently a bit much. People were just so picky nowadays about trusting a random vampire they met.

I was pulled from my inner musings by the blood bank coming into sight. I practically drooled at the thought of sinking my fangs into a blood bag and tasting the cold blood. My tongue ran over one of my fangs as I pulled the keys from my back pocket. I decided going through the back door was the best idea at the moment.

It took some fiddling with keys before I managed to find the right key. Why did one place have so many keys? It was so confusing to find the right one. I grinned when the door finally unlocked and entered the building. I left the door cracked slightly, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dark building. The only good thing about being a vampire was the fact that I could see in the dark now and that is the hill I will die on.

I made my way over to the freezer doors and once again struggled with the keys. Couldn't they just not put locks on things? It made breaking into places so much harder. I sighed when the last key finally went into the lock and I turned the key, hearing the soft click as the door unlocked. I pulled the door open, feeling a chill run down my spine from the cold.

I entered the big freezer, propping the door open. I went towards the back grabbing a bag at random from one of the shelves. I sank my fangs into the bag and tilted my head back as I kept the bag held up. The cold, coppery taste of the blood washed down my throat. Cold blood never tasted as good as fresh, warm blood but it would do. It had to do seeing as I refused to hunt down people to consume their blood.

The thirst that had consumed the back of my mind for the past month finally cleared up some. I dropped the bag on the ground once I was done and grabbed another one, draining it just as quickly. The thirst finally cleared up almost completely and I sighed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

My eyes widened when I heard the sound of footsteps and I spun around, facing the door. I moved forward carefully, my feet lightly touching the ground. I had to be lighter than air when walking as I could not risk getting caught. Getting caught by a human would lead to terrible things happening.

I hissed when someone was suddenly standing in front of me. No human would be able to move at such a speed. Hell, I can't even move that fast. My fist was suddenly smashing into their jaw and I sent the person skidding back a few feet. The shock of seeing their dark red eyes staring at me was the only reason I remained standing where I was.

Here's my new vampire story!! Hope you enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, I have Chapter 2 written and edited so it will be going up today at some point as well.

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