Chapter 16

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Where the hell are all my Team Peter fans?

Jesus Christ.


~Rebel's POV~

Everyone had migrated to the barn this morning, all of us expecting the worse.

All of us that had weapons were armed and ready to fire if it came to that. Rick had asked Hershel and his family to come to the barn this morning and we could see them approaching in the distance.

Carol and Lori were holding the children near to them and you could see Shane's face growing redder by the minute. 

I was in awe that Peter and Shane were related, Peter was so playful and cautious while Shane was serious and always acted on instinct.

That had to be Shane's biggest weakness, his quick fire mind.  He always acted as soon as it crossed his mind, he never stopped for explanation or justification. 

While it was his weakness, it was also his strength. 

Hershel approached us slowly and took his time to look at everyone of us that was yielding arms and it unsettled me how calm he was acting.

Shane stepped forward and it looked like he was about to burst a vein.

"Wanna explain why the hell you got walkers in your barn?" Shane yelled at him.

That's when the banging started. The barn doors started to rattle and you could hear the hungry wails of the undead.

Sophia started crying into Carol's shirt, muffling her small sobs. Carl was trying to stay strong, but you could see he was breaking down faster and faster.

"They're people. They're just sick. I'm trying to find a way to cure them." Hershel said quietly, trying to negotiate with Shane.

"They're dead! They ain't got no brains inside of 'em! They don't remember you!" Shane roared with anger and I flinched away from him, trying to avoid the wrath of his anger.

Daryl cast me a worried glance but I didn't return it. He had bothered me repeatedly since the fall. He kept insisting that I needed to rest and I couldn't walk, but despite his efforts, I had been fairly active.

"You think you can save 'em. But you can't. They're dead!" Shane yelled at Hershel and he unlocked the barn doors, releasing the walkers into the open.

Everyone's weapons were raised and shots were fired. My ears were ringing and all I heard were the muffled sobs of Maggie and Beth. 

Maggie collapsed on the ground, but Beth stood. She ran towards the limp, lifeless body of the walker that once was her mother.

"Mom! Mom!" She kept sobbing into the dingy shirt of the dead body.

Everyone's breath caught as the rasp of the body came to life. Beth screamed and tried to back away, but the walker caught hold of her ankle. 

Peter raised his gun and I sucked in a breath, I knew from watching him on the shooting range that he was not the most experienced shot. He could hardly hit a 15 yard target.

The bullet rang out and the walker fell, leaving Hershel and Rick to drag Beth's whimpering body away. 

I turned away and started to shuffle my feet back to camp. I didn't understand how Hershel thought those things were sick. They were sick yes, diseased even, but they couldn't be cured. That's for sure.

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